
The Gawker commentariat must make those places seem quite calm in comparison. Hope you're doing better!

Oh the 80s! When the entire vertical swoop of the pelvic bone really got to shine!

I'm sorry, smallest post-op nose in a cartoon is already taken. But upside, she's toooooooo cute!

And Santorum wore sweater vests.

My Goodness....

Nooooooo, you mean Josh Lucas in Sweet Home Alabama. Which I may or may not own. I mean, allegedly. Unsubstantiated rumors. LIES!

Yeah, but she was just sleeping with him....

Is it weird that I'm overwhelmingly sad right now? I mean, I am so SO relieved that he is in custody and that the people of Boston/Watertown/etc don't have to hunker down or be in fear anymore. But the whole thing just makes me sad. I mean, he's a 19 year old kid, who by all accounts so far sounds like he was

Thank god. We need a trial. I hope that alleged dumbass is ok. Boston deserves justice for this.

My master bedroom is so big it also features the living room and the kitchen.

I know that feel. At least you have your own place; I rent a bedroom in a townhouse belonging to a lady in her 40s. She's pretty awesome, though, so it could be worse.

"Ahem, now I shall show you the master bedroom." (Takes two steps)

I am so with you. I've seen the same thing, and for a while couldn't figure out why it bothered me so much. And then I realized — the problem is when people take a communal experience (be it joy or tragedy) and make it an individual activity that everyone else can only witness. When something this awful happens, I

There's nothing here about "How to talk about Boston." The advice is to avoid talking about it. Not that I disagree, if one is stressed out by the Facebook nonsense, but that's a very misleading headline. I only clicked because I do want to talk about it, and I was interested in Jezebel's thoughts on the subject.

I wish there were something I could do to help from where I am. As a nursing student, I wish I had my license already so that I could offer my services! My heart breaks for your city...but it brings me joy to see so many people offering up their homes and doing what they can to help. That kindness is one of the

Love and good vibes and prayers (if you want them! extra good vibes if not) heading your way from Northern NH. I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through right now.

As a Bostonian (obvs) who absolutely loves the marathon, the is the most sickening, sad, awful thing. Today is usually the most joyful and exciting day in Boston, but instead it's so eerie and sad. My heart especially breaks for the runners- they work so hard for this, it's horrible seeing their triumphant moment

Any other Degrassi TNG fans? I was obsessed with this show in high school. I've decided to rewatch everything starting from season 1. I don't remember how far I got into the series. Is there a season where it loses its charm?

If only all guys dealt with escorts that respectfully....