
Oh sure, but when I dress up in a furry costume and grab a small white girl in Utah, it's all FBI this, and Amber Alert that.

Pro's know you wait until after you pay for everything else to make that last-minute impulse buy. That way you can bring home a perfect receipt with no incriminating evidence and still be a fatass on the drive home.


Sherman says and does smart things; he is smart.

I think I might do some other stuff first.

Considering the possible ramifications of going to a movie in Colorado, the first person I'd invite is my shooting guard.

Just be thankful for the guy in the back and his t-shirt. Were it not for him, we'd have no idea where this photo was taken.

Meanwhile, a 37 year-old Tim Duncan is not only NOT dying from an untreated shellfish allergy, but is still playing professional basketball at a high level.

Seriously. How much of an asshole do you have to be to fly after killing off most of your family?

This is nice. I like when Deadspin does nice.

You know what they say: "If at first you try and don't succeed, piloting planes probably isn't for you."

cool story

They were most certainly knock-offs then

Take it up with Eric, he's the jaded one that's too cool to care.

My Own Private Carmelo


One flailed his arms (West) after the other acted like he just got shot in a WWII film (James).