
it’s not a lane violation, and also it occurred first so if we’re talking about magically getting blown calls correct, it should’ve been whistled and therefore Dion Waiters’ foul, philosophically speaking, didn’t actually happen.

As a disinterested neutral, there were so many fouls there that it’s tempting to say “fuck it” and write the whole thing off. BUT THEN AGAIN, Ginobli’s violation of the inbounder occurred first and is the most fundamental, so really the Spurs deserved the L.

You are correct and Burke is being willfully naive in order to support his worldview wherein white asshole bigots can never be in the right, even though it’s pretty obvious that even the biggest asshole is gonna be right 1% of the time . This is very clearly that 1%, but Gawker has made a habit of never admitting

Your point is clear, but what did you mean by including Kobe in the talent that Luke Walton is inheriting?

How is Wulong Karst Tourism being awful here? They paid for product placement, and Paramount very, very stupidly didn’t uphold their end of the bargain, presumably because Michael Bay’s artistic vision for the fourth installment of a robot toy film franchise couldn’t be compromised in any way.

Don’t forget “the cape gave it away” or whatever. Jesus, that movie is terrible.

Californians don’t do the state flag? Then what the fuck is this red, white and green bear I keep seeing everywhere?

You deserve so much better.

Couldn’t make it past the opening sentence. Marchman, you goddamn hipster troll, you’ve done it again.

Eh. Good coaches make badass adjustments to win playoff series. Look at Kerr in the finals last year. Or Poppovich in the playoffs every year.

East coast weed is garbage. Your friends probably don’t know their shit.

Sir, I hope you are not trying to suggest that Michael Jordan was better than Rex Chapman.

“He’s not carrying the baby or anything...”

Yeah, it’s incredibly dumb.

Yeah that motherfucker has zero pages.

Yeah, that’s some definition 2 bullshit. The whole point of using disinterested instead of uninterested is to indicate lack of bias. Uninterested means you don’t give a fuck.

Is this sarcastic? honestly can’t tell...

What? The lines in Fight Club have aged poorly? That movie is pretentious as fuck in many ways, but it’s still vey well written and acted.

He’s shocking his core 24/7, bro.