@Antiterra: Well said.
@Antiterra: Well said.
@nrXic: You've played the game already eh? Subjective much?
@uncutlateralus: Odd, downloaded fast for me.
@madgunde: I can see Rav's point about confusing users and coming to grips with realizing that you will not please everyone. So the compromise was clearly to keep the UI similar. However, I also understand your point of keeping Steam consistent with other app UI's since mainstream Apple users like it a specific way.…
@Gildron: lol I have a few close friends who work at Apple HQ here in San Francisco. While they have many of times tried to get me to sip their company kool-aid - I resisted. Well... ok, so I took a tiny sip and bought an iPhone. Either way, I understand and know about Apple's "aesthetic integrity" guidelines. I even…
@Nightshift Nurse: You are not the first person I have heard complain about John Koller's influences. Buddy of mine who used to work there said he was a main reason for SCEA's problems.
@ChromaticMagus With Rainbows: I agree. Not much different from PC layout. Although the responses on his blog are more amusing. Akin people feeling the holy spirit, rolling in the isle over his changes, and clamoring to get Gabe at Valve to consider it.
@Kanik: Exactly. Plus Raul Julia's best line to Chun Li, "The day I killed your father must have been the most horrible day of your life, but for me —- it was just Tuesday."
It was pretty meh until the karate chops at the end. Dare I say, it made me giggle.
@Thut: From all the PAX East photos I've seen showing many of those bean bags exploding everywhere... I wouldn't exactly say high quality. lol
@AOClaus: That is true. A recent article from the PD and Dir of XIV said the North American's are the most criticizing of the new game in its alpha test. They thought their own audience would be the most scathing and it turns out they are mostly sticking up for them. They also notably stated that each region (JP, EU,…
I must be the only one that misread the article at first, "He wields six swords at a time, fucking them between his knuckles..."
I saw this apartment in the Japan version already and compared to other apartments is it really small and uninspired... for Home. The irony.
@ZFK: I would be surprised if needing a 3D hdtv would be the only option. I recalled the PS3's 3D glasses I tried out the last two GDC's only required a firmware that will enable either the hardware 3D tv's or 3D software enabled games. I could imagine the firmware also allowing blu-ray titles with 3D transfers to…
It is interesting that this update arrives the week Avatar releases in stores. Not sure how much relevance that has... probably none.
@Evdor: And funny it was sir, indeed.
Intersting shirt, I already have the one that says, "Your mom follows me on Twitter"
Can't wait!
@Aytrial: Thank you. /tear
@NeVeRMoRe666: I have to agree. I'm not a hardcore comic reader but I was demanded to check this out back when the issues were released. I loved the series so I was naturally excited for the film. However, I left the film a bit disappointed. I agree the tone felt different. The violence felt toned down or compromised…