
@Narishma: No, he shadowed at Infinity Ward during MW2 development.

Perhaps this taboo he's hoping not to mess up has to do with all that research he had recently done last year when visiting FPS developers.

@Pitchswitch: Certainly "timeless" for games fits a niche just like film buffs for movies. I'll be honest the more I think of their argument it can be said about movies too. Like the used game trading stores I previously mentioned used movie sales end up with lots of overstock on depreciated popular films as well. I

Well I kind of see their point in their remark about Madden '95. If you have ever been to any store that does used game trading and shortly near August you see a whole shelf overflowing with last years Madden game. Rental stores and used game markets dread these yearly titles because they are hard to resell. I think

I've bluetooth tested games on the iPhone for quite awhile and that connection standard is the most unreliable method to use because the profile it uses on the iPhone is mostly aimed at connections for headsets and devices - not packets of data for gaming. Local Wi-Fi works much better.

Sony's God of War 3 launch party was better. From what I can remember of it.... damn free bar.

@peteer02: hates geofencing: Honestly, what harm does it do in the first place and does it impact you personally in some negative way? I doubt it.

Oh boy... here we go. Thankfully I already finished the JP version so I can put more of my focus on the FFXIV alpha next week while the internet floods with trite comparison articles.

@Mikeh12: Actually I have the PS3 JP version already and if you have a nice home theater system that supports uncompressed 5.1/7.1 - the game supports it - but only on the PS3 version.

@SadAstronaut: After beating the Japanese version I could say it's an easy linear game in general to jump into. However, it's focus is more on telling the story than RPG gameplay that most previous FF's used to be. In FFXIII its design is all about getting battles done quick so you can get from cutscene A to cutscene

@denki: Yeah, every time a live action Akira film remake rumor resurfaces I groan. And it always oddly resurfaces with fresh talent directors attached that you scratch your head over.

@LucasReis: Sega's iPhone sales have been much better than on those aforementioned portables.

@O1av: This is now on my desktop at work.

lol I live in downtown SF if you want to see the game bad enough you can stop by my house to see the import. Instead of fighting to catch it on a bus you can catch it here plus free booze. Besides, I've already beaten it. But I will say Ch12 alone makes the game worth every damn penny.

@Alex_Mexico: Perhaps they're not down with fighting against grenade spam.

I remember a shooter back in the early FPS Doom days called Rise of the Triad I think? Where enemies would beg for mercy.

@holidays! cat: I'll be damned... you are right. It actually does both an in-game item and into JP beta.

@holidays! cat: I have that code also. However, I thought they confirmed that code was not for any beta but just for an in-game item when it releases.