Where was this article back in 1992 when Sub Zero ripped the head and spine out of a digitized actor's body? Was Dr. Lecter dining on the brain of one of his victims in Ridley Scott's Hannibal (2001) too much as well? Where do we draw the line when we pick and choose when something is too much in any art form? Are we…
Gawker's message in the image is clear. It's apparently "Freedom" to encourage stealing from developers. Although to be fair this wouldn't be a Nick Denton site if it weren't doing something sleazy, confounding, and provocative for traffic.
It's kind of sad seeing Zynga's HQ building considering it used to be Sega's HQ back in the day. How times have changed.
Zynga's audience has long existed before on services as old as America Online or MSN. The audience isn't new, it's their strategy. Today, Zynga labels their audience "cows" because they keep feeding them money regardless how rigged their games are like Zynga Poker giving bad hands on purpose until you pay isn't…
That being said, I'm curious if Dust will follow the same "wild west" mantra that makes EVE so unique.
I know, the VO sounds audibly awkward like a Jamaican with a speech impediment.
I completely agree with Kate here. Every time I go to E3 by the end of the convention I become annoyed if I run into one more vapid booth babe that knows little of the product that I'm asking questions about.
Tennant by far has been my most favorite Doctor. It's been hard to get used to Matt Smith after following that kind of personality.
Almost finished with season 4. Been alternating between DW and Torchwood as Capt. Jack or a character comes and goes.
Friends got me hooked on the Doctor Who and Torchwood series. Almost caught up to current.
Well, this certainly saved me from giving Activision more money. Thanks.
@AoE: Yeah, I totally forgot about their Neverwinter Nights debacle. Abandoning it to the point where the player community had to fix the game. Sad. The reoccuring theme here is they drag their feet and point fingers. From experience they are a terrible developer to deal with in the industry.
Oh Obsidian... you can't comment on Joystiq blaming Sega this time. AP and this, own up.
@Mentuss: Bingo!
@AnnihilatorX: Considering their demonstration of it required someone to stand in the background controlling Milo with a controller was a clue as to how intuitive the AI was really coming along.
@Blue_Six: lol They didn't show any footage of the game. It was just a montage of their previous PS games over the last decade leading to the announcement.
@Jaga420: That's fine. The chip it's running on was already well proven months ago to that extent. That and being in the industry I know a few things about using it.
@Gargus: With 3D turned off, its graphics is fully capable of what you see in these images. It's on par with PS3/360. To play 3D games anyway you need graphics hardware this powerful in order to render the real time image twice. To do that it also has to render in lower resolution... hence the "glorified DS" game look…
@JGab: lol I've been saying this since the Alpha test last March. FFXIV will be considered the Crysis of MMO's.