
@stone500: In a way the DSi has. It apparently has region locking over the DS. Importers are not very fond of the DSi I notice.

@Wolfrider31: Well said. Or else we'd see more PS1 and PS2 titles on the PS Store so soon.

@(Zombie) NitroAML: I'm more concerned that it took five years to get to 50% with a beta around the corner. lol

@cjlopez: Yeah, this definitely tied with Nintendo's last E3 keynote for the whelmed factor. But apparently there is another in two hours so...

@Hartia: Perhaps for Japanese localization.

Wow, think of all the exclusives MS would have then... like EA NASCAR.

@FP_slomo788: It isn't spin. It was made clear before launch. The Xbox used Nvidia graphical hardware and when they lost the license they had to make the 360 ATI - hence the software emulation of back compat Xbox titles.

@zixaphir: To each their own experiences I guess. Every time I've went into a Gamestop an employee says something completely assinine such as "FFVI remake IS in the works and it's only for 360" or "Sony is going bankrupt, PS3 is their last console." I could post a lot more gems I've heard over the years, but you get

Now playing

lol Apparently European retailers believe The Onion...

Strangely my launch 360 outlasted my first PS3. Like I said, strange... that and I have horrible luck with Sony products. Then again leaving my PS3 on all night running a dedicated game server and coming back to it with a red light blinking was asking for it.

@Joe Vander Zanden: Yeah, SOE is slowly becoming the graveyard for dying MMO's it seems.

@JahB: Thankfully everyone does not share your blatant masculinity issues, internalized metrophobia or preference for confused hyperbole. :)

@JahB: ...and that's a bad thing? :)

It will be done when it makes sense? As in acceptably replace or becoming at least as intuitive as a standard controller?

@aquajolt52: Kind of an unnecessary harsh assessment for fans demanding simple respect for the dead. The ethical issue here is that this is a game, a piece of entertainment, not a formal recreation or the likes of a student reciting a historical legend's speech or song for general audiences.

With some research it is sick the amount of MMO's that are out there that don't get noticed. It seems only a very small percent become both successful and retain users for more than a few years. Some even stay in beta purgatory. Not to mention because of the time investment the genre is known for kinda pigeonholes

That shot of them on the hover bike with Snow and that girl. Hints of VIII a little, but I like.

Conan's rendition of Edith Bunker singing Beastie Boys Sabotage still wins the internet.