
@Yossarian: The rumor comes from PS3 users clamoring for a group party chat like 360's NXE has. PS3's in game voice chat is currently based from game to game and Home. The XMB has a party video/voice chat built into the XMB, but it's a static chat room and not something like NXE where you can hop from OS to game and

@Zenrick3.0: True. I can't help but also chuckle at the notion that someone would confuse a Nickleodon flick over a film from a man who brought us Terminator 1 & 2, Aliens, The Abyss, True Lies, Titanic and the live action adaptation of Battle Angel Evangalion after this film.

@PissedPS3Fan: You are kidding right? You do realize that M. Night Shyamalan's last film was The Happening? I believe the majority of people would sooner assume that a Shyamalan film would bode less well than a Cameron film honestly when comparing track records.

@UsernameOfTheDead: I was tepid going into the 16min 3D IMAX preview last week after seeing the trailer - but it was quite amazing in 3D and seeing it more outside the context of that teaser. Everyone stood and applauded after words as well after a moment of speechlessness.

@Tevor_the_Third: Because making cut scenes less passive is a bad thing?

@ceooflhm: Spare the comment boards your ignorance please.

Well after having tickets to that Avatar IMAX 3D preview last night... if the game in 3D does what the preview did for me last night compared to the 2D trailers - it should be enjoyable.

Milo got the boot? He's going to be so sad now.

This was my complaint with the first one too. I'm impressed. More PSP titles should be taking advantage of infrastucture mode and not to mention connectivity with PSN.

@thesircuddles: If that's what stops you within context. I'm sorry. :)

@thesircuddles: I disagree with this generalization. As a QA tester and aspiring game developer for example, I follow a lot of people in the game industry for more than just "what are you doing" babble, but for some interesting conversation as well. Do a search on twitter for #gamedesign and you will see various

Well I've already been using the multi touch screen HP notebooks for awhile. For me the touch gimmick becomes impractical after awhile when other input methods work out much faster. What would entice me to buy an Apple Tablet is if I can use a stylus with it for my graphic design software. Touching or fingerpainting

@Hasseo: Because it reveals those who air their masculinity issues in public. ;)

@Erode: Indeed. Or the stereotype of undersexed male gamers dominating the industry demographic. If we are to attract more females to this industry, we need to retire the misogyny cliches.

@excaliburps: Heh, he's not much of an amateur if he's a professional artist for a living and working for a game studio. :)

Rethinking stance on back compat with ps2? Heh, like this wasn't their original plan to begin with when they removed PS2 back compat from the console. They were planning to sell them as downloadables like the PS1 titles. I think they realized that people were rebuying PS1 titles at higher cost than getting them used

@TC: ...of course I left out the name of the game to protect his identity. :)

Eh he couldn't be as big of a douchebag than the one I met at a bar after a busy day at GDC. Nothing like a stumbling drunk mess approaching everyone and introducing themselves as, "Hi, I make 500,000 a year making the game ."