
Surprised the face wasn't the most popular spot.

I lol'd at the pic for a sec because I thought it was a set pic from Ice Pirates. Oh well, would've been funny I guess...

@hodayathink: Stoya's personal Android developer: Actually this law is used in my town and caught the person who robbed us over Christmas. Finger prints matched the person in question who left prints here at the pawn shop where stuff was resold. So distinguishing actual copies is irrelevant. It was the fact the

Hmm.. they stated last winter they are supposed to officially announce their next big MMO they've been working on since the tech demo they shown in 2005. I assume it'll be one of the surprises... or delayed.

@SocraticMethod: Have to agree, everytime I see a Sony keynote or press conferences - I begin to miss him. And also how he'd pronounce beta as "beeee-tah." :)

AJ... did you return the eval form we gave you in that session? lol :)

I never get why every Square-Enix article has to degraded into a keg party of haterade based on zippers and androgyny. It's more of a striking revelation about the people who bring it up than anything else. :)

@CoralineF**kingJones: My pie in the sky dream ticket was always Apple and Nintendo joining to create a console. Perhaps it were my visits to DigiPen back in '95 with all their SNES's jacked into Apple computers.

For a moment, I noticed the alcohol photo and figured it was a piece on GDC 09.

@Sean MacLean: @Lukasz Szczepanski: I agree, the game does look exactly like the trailer these days since the retexturing overhaul update a year ago.

@radink: Warping, warping, warping sums up my trial.

@Ozymandias: I think the unique twist or selling point is musical fatalities for massive damage.

Why is it when I think of "sensory experiences" being added to gaming - I think of the strippers in GTA. *shivers*

For some reason I can't get into any other music game, but the PSeye cam support for this game alone sold me. Invite over friends, bring out the liquor, and some of the best music videos ever made are born.

"..they remember rightly so that Batman is supposed to be the world's greatest detective, not the world's best boxer."

I love both my DS and my PSP. My main problem with portables lately such as the PSP is just all the potential that its hardware is capible of that is squandered. For example its infrastructure mode. So much portable online gaming could be done on it than we see now and with memory sticks reaching 8-16gb's — where are

@trogam: Yeah, the FFXII had some obvious Star Wars inspiration as well. XII just screamed The Phantom Menace in various cutscenes like the opening and even had a race that looked like Gungans.

I'll have to agree, the game does have a lot of potential to be a lot greater. Besides expanding the co-op, adding an actual multiplayer option would've made this game more replayable for me. Couldn't count the number of times my co-op sessions turned into pretend multiplayer ones.