
It does look good. However, the trailer was a lot of cutscenes with little gameplay shown that gives the impression of a recent Kojima production I played where the controller remained passive 80% of the time. Not that I dislike that unique take on game storytelling converging with film - but if the narrative is

lol Wow, this thrown together shrine made front page? My night of binge drinking began when my 360 died and it ended in a music video posted on SingStar. The error code blinking with the disc tray lip syncing to Culture Club's Do You Really Want To Hurt Me. It's still in the hall of fame after six months and was

@aspasticninja: A lot of game development courses have professors who use Second Life to articulate examples of virtual worlds as well as use it to meet up with students and teach.

Oh Mike, such a cunning linguist you are. lol

Where is the one I submitted last night. :(

Has that vector graphics kind of animation style that I also liked about the Heavenly Sword story trailers.

@lumpi: Wow are you butthurt about DRM... every single EA post has been replied about it. lol

@ibunkun: Controls were fine for me. Takes practice, quick reflexes, and timing. I've seen bad controls and this game is far from it.

@Antiterra: To be truthfully fair, Microsoft originally was publisher of this title before going to Square-Enix late in its development, but neither developed Infinite Undiscovery as it was tri-Ace. If feeling burnt by a tri-Ace developed game is what's implied, then I would be more skeptical of something upcoming

@Haunted_Coin-op: See... once ya finish your GED you should give it a shot. ;)

@Omniel: ..and you know me oh so well that I value TV over my college and grad school education.

When will people wake up with perspective and realize how every region of the world believes a different copy of grossly exaggerated fiction. In summary religion delayed this game, but I'm not even religious. So now I too can say I'm deeply offended and demand this game released today as I'm tired of religion

Just last week I was front row directly in front of his podium during a rally stop. He mentioned his familar talking point of "time to tell the kids to put down the video games and do their homework." Got some nice pics and shook the man's hand... VERY soft hands too. lol

@Real Serious Assassin: It could or could not be staged to be honest. Depending what he considers a girlfriend. He's on my buddy list, but him having a girlfriend is a shock to me considering I met him off []

@FP_slomo788: Yeah, apparently the legalities of media sharing on Home and NXE are more complex than originally thought.

@Mohrdikai: I agree. I only see this feature viable for me if the specific game's loading times are bugging me - which most times they do not. That being said games that do have loading times that are too long for me are usually games completely off the HDD already.

@RageKage: Why? Someone who has liked and played the first one is more likely to be more subjective about their analysis of it. Especially since it is rare you get a review from such a high profile title that won't be gushing over it with perfect tens via hype - versus a point of view that has never played it before

@Dexyn: No shit, the second I saw Benny Benassi on this - I was sold in which game to get next after LBP and GoW2.

@ObZen: Well said and I can be pure evidence myself towards your point; as a person who saw the trailer and was since turned onto digging out Watchmen from my roomies comic storage — and loving it ever since. I cannot wait for this movie.

@Chaoticevl: I agree a game tie-in of this will seemingly take it out of character. I always considered Watchmen the anti-comicbook comic book. It's mostly a lot of reflection on the character's past, the mistakes, and heavy sense of misanthropy by its writer Alan Moore.