Should have chosen a more famous Draymond picture.

Lowry with a seasoned take.

I’m a Journeyman Ironworker out of Local 709 Savannah Ga. January 20 @ 1159 I quit my job building a DOE/NNSA fuel processing facility. I couldn’t fathom even technically working for Trump for 1 minute. I had a new job Monday @ 0600. I can afford to put principles in front of paychecks because I work Union. Organize

I have three young daughters. Whenever I get dragged shopping and I have free time, my favorite activity is standing there and staring into space. It tends to be rather disconcerting to the retail employees, but hell, my mind just needs a mental rest.

Mom in person, Mama on the phone, and Mommy when I need something but I’m just joking but actually yea I kinda need it.

More and more there are 20-somethings playing teens in movies and TV - which only reinforces bad ideas of how developed and mature teens and their bodies should be. I strongly dislike it :-/

We’re going down a rabbit hole now, but the sectarian divide generally carries over to political affiliation as well - more broadly, unionist vs republican. Celtic ultras have affiliated themselves with supporters of St Pauli, Livorno etc.

Most soccer fans around the world?

Thank you! Trump is fucked but how is this kid starting a fire over Trump any better than some Obama birther.

That kid has horrendously bad parents.

Heh, I think I meant to say “infinitely”. I blame autocorrect! Not my stupidity!

I’m trying to figure out the joke that makes infinitesimally mean something other than what it does.

No, Happy Gilmore sucked just as much as everything else he does. You were probably just too young to realize it (and now watch it with nostalgia glasses).

Nah, see these are boring people who are dumb enough to think abstinence-only works, so once they get married and have 2-3 kids, that’s it for sex until they get drunk at a school auction and have a fourth kid that’s 8 years younger but totally planned, not a mistake.

Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.

How does somebody “Just about outworks everybody”? That seems like the kind of bullshit that nobody can refute because nothing was actually said.

That’s because it’s socialist soccer. If it was fuhbaw or baebaw, he’d be shoveling gold coins into giant canvas bags.

Such scrappy. Very grit.

Anybody else watching this game said to themselves, “I bet Hunter Renfrow will be on the goddamn Patriots after college.”

What’s so hard to believe about Roger Clemens going to Nantucket?