
You’re right. The culture that produced that Rape of Nanking and the ruthless slaughter of tens of millions of civilians probably should have been preserved in its previous state. Go read a fucking history book man.

This will be really bad, then really good. I called Geiko yesterday and it took 9 minutes to get to a human. Mostly because you had to wait for the computer to finish the options, even if you wanted option 1. By the time I got to some poor woman I was dropping f bombs at the top of my lungs at her. But still, I bet in

All I know is if this guy actually followed the rule about putting an FAA tag on his drone he is out looking for the parts of his drone like a fucking mad man.

My favorite part is how the twitter video stops riiigghhttt as the losing goal is going in.

Remember when Musk opened up the patents that Tesla had to everyone? Did all of the other auto manufacturers balk at this idea? What happened to that? It would be nice if all electric cars charged in the same manner just like all cars can take regular gasoline or diesel. Otherwise Tesla is really going to run away

Disco Inferno.

You really think that’s the main problem? You must not actually work in education. Go to any mid to low tier school in any of our major cities, or shit even in poor suburban areas. Now go into that school and see how much learning is actually taking place. Tell me where the priorities of the students lie. Then ask

You’re right. How short sighted of me. Perhaps we shall compare North Korea and Serbia on the outbreak of World War I. Both were countries fearful of influence from bigger scarier powers, and both had large powers that they felt would protect them if anything actually happened. This therefore emboldened Serbia to act

Which resulted in North Korea developing Nuclear Weapons and now the stakes are exponentially higher. Its funny how the same logic was applied to the rise of Germany in the early to mid 1930s. But who cares about that? History is boring.

Is this a Gawker media article making fun of someone for having a typo? That’s like Donald Trump calling someone petulant and childish.

This is so depressing. Keep complaining folks. The only reason you have a job at this point is so Elon could sell these factories to the local areas. You will all be replaced by robots, and then you will be poor again. Please factory assembly man, your hey day was 100 years ago, now go learn something new.

Why does no one ever make a stink about the Fighting Irish? I’m Irish. I’ve never been in a fight. Does it imply that Irish people like to drink and get in fights because that would be a stereotype. So I am going on the record as being offended? Can I be offended? These PC rules confuse me sometimes.

Oh, and since I assume you are a complete fucking moron its important to note that over 50% of the general population is white while roughly 13% is black. So since brutally simple minded folk like yourself might see data like I showed you and assume that the white number is ‘higher’ as a percentage of the general

Would you say that black woman who know how to fight are being taught by rapist black men? I am sorry to confront your idiotic anger with statistics. Our government seems to not want to document this much anymore as it can fuel hatred, but since you are trying to fuel hatred through ignorance I thought I’d share this.

Rich Hill pitched against me when he was 18 and I was 14 in American Legion. He struck me out on 3 pitches and was hitting 90. It was horrifying. So fuck Rich Hill and Milton Legion. And how the fuck is he still pitching I can’t even see my own fucking feet and he’s 4 years my elder?

And in most of those cars that have it the seat motor burns out after 6 years and its a $900 replacement. Happened to my ‘03 Maxima and ‘08 g35

Read the fucking story. Jesus Christ this is why we get video clips all the fucking time now with advertisements because people can’t spend 3 fucking minutes reading a few paragraphs.

This is bad. Stop doing this. For the love of God. This story is an attempted hit piece or joke towards the Trump administration and is an another attempt to connect him to Russia. It has nothing to do with Russia. At all. The Air Force is buying unsold 747's from Boeing. Period. Fucking stop because it waters down

Umm no. No that’s not how it works. The IRS doesn’t give a shit how much money you have if you don’t pay your taxes do they? Same rules apply. Your wages will be garnished. OJ is still paying that wrongful death suit off and hes been in jail like a decade.