I wanted to rush out and get a Model 3. Now I am pretty excited that there are 400,000 beta testers out there before me. Find all the problems everyone! Keep up the good work!
I wanted to rush out and get a Model 3. Now I am pretty excited that there are 400,000 beta testers out there before me. Find all the problems everyone! Keep up the good work!
That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I am pretty sure airplanes are checked once or twice before taking off and every so often one of them smashes into the ground killing hundreds. So ya, tire psi, sweet. All’s good.
Isn’t the whole ‘top 10 percent of class’ thing a bit wonky? If there is a private high school with selective admission and there are 100 students, only 10 of them would be granted admission based upon this clause? The remaining 90 could theoretically be the next best 90 students in the state, but because of the high…
Just gonna leave this here. Still upsets me.
Just gonna leave this here. Still upsets me.
This is funny, I thought China was our friend.
I almost got past the part where you remind everyone that the United States spends more than the next 7 countries combined on defense. Also, thanks for mentioning that the last (2) times the United States chose to sit things out it resulted in the death and destruction of much of the world in two massive global…
Was she just parodying a Bill Maher gig?
As someone who owned an 07' x3 and an 08' 328xi, and who now owns a 2015 Highlander and who’s wife owns an 04' Rav 4, I can tell you that this chart is 100% accurate.
This is a pretty thought provoking read. What’s even more thought provoking is how you wrote an article about a serial pedophile on Monday and on Tuesday wrote an article about Hillary Clinton giving a commencement speech when she was in college in 1969. Beautiful picture of her btw. When are you going to write about…
Just stop man. Arguing with stupid is a lost cause.
That’s the fun of capitalism! How else do you think people become millionaires and billionaires over night!? They do it by artificially inflating prices of not-real things and then cashing them out to become rich at everyone elses’ expense! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw!
I think you mean 554 billion dollar company.
Here's a crazy idea. Maybe when the judge tells you to shut up, you shut up. The fuck is wrong with you people?
Serious question - - My mother is pretty into it with Parkinsons and can’t sleep at night so she is staying up until god knows when and basically just watching Fox News. I know.
My God, people are so fucking stupid. This is good. Let’s force a successful American company to take a massive hit on its bottom line. Then let’s watch as that company moves to Mexico. Then let’s watch as a guy runs for President who is a complete moron but wins because he promises to ‘bring jobs’ back. Then let’s…
Same shit with BMW. I had a 328xi 08 and an x3 07 and both were nightmares. I mean the fit and finish wasn’t bad, but once that 4 years passed basically everything broke. When the sunroof cracked in the x3 the dealership honestly told me the plastic had weakened due to UV exposure. Of the sunroof. It was insane. And a…
They finally getting skylake into a new generation orrrr?
They finally getting skylake into a new generation orrrr?
I love this. I love immature liberals contributing to the exact polarization that is going to result in Donald Fucking Trump being the next President. You are doing this to yourselves. Keep that in mind, you might figure the whole thing out when you grow up.
This might be a trivial detail but when you have more than one kind of debt its important to figure out which one to pay off sooner if its possible. For instance, on top of a mortgage, I have a car loan for ~20,000 due in 5 years and a home equity loan for ~20,000 for solar panels due in 10 years. My auto loan is at…