thank you for bringing this memory out of the recesses of my brain, right to the forefront. glorious. also great is the qvc ladder fall(s)
thank you for bringing this memory out of the recesses of my brain, right to the forefront. glorious. also great is the qvc ladder fall(s)
Phew! For a minute there I thought pro wrestling was fake!
Will there be co-op campaign mode? No? You want me to play on my couch vs 13 year old’s who scream over a microphone while ‘p2wng’ me? Then go fuck yourself. Otherwise, yes, I will shell out 80 dollars to sit on my couch and play a good shooter with my friends on a 70 inch television.
OCZ 240GB drive is 59.99 with 10 dollar rebate at Newegg.
OCZ 240GB drive is 59.99 with 10 dollar rebate at Newegg.
Not a great reason RE the kids. My daughter still has no trouble getting in it and she’s been doing it since she started walking at 7 months, and now conveniently throws stuff away for me, or recycles my beer cans, she is now 2. But she gets in that thing no problem.
Not a great reason RE the kids. My daughter still has no trouble getting in it and she’s been doing it since she…
That coffee maker can go fuck itself. Seriously 16 reviews on Amazon and I am pretty sure everyone of them is “this product was provided at a discount for my honest review.” Sure. Fuck you for destroying Amazon’s entire rating system by encouraging positive reviews for free products. Fucking awful. Fuck you too Amazon.
That coffee maker can go fuck itself. Seriously 16 reviews on Amazon and I am pretty sure everyone of them is “this…
OOooooo a big ring! He must really love her! Females who think wedding rings are important remind me of hillbillies who love jacked up trucks. Mindlessly contributing to the demise of the masses through idiotic misplaced self-greed. Fucking astonishing.
Can someone explain to me where this ‘savage’ term comes from. I teach 9th grade and my more thuggish kids use it all the time. And yesterday I saw it on a youtube video with a guy reviewing an aftermarket kit for an E63 AMG. Anyone?
Oh, he prayed? Ok, cleared of all wrongdoing and sin.
Its called interference and its something pussies do.
This is a fucking shit play. This shouldn’t have even stood if there was no slide rule. Dude grabbed his fucking ankle. Why not just tackle him? Or maybe run in and grab his arm so he can’t throw the ball? Like wtf is the problem here? This is bush league baseball that results in fights at lower levels, or at least…
Umm I dunno man. I just built...
Umm I dunno man. I just built...
Am I the only one who sees BMW all through this? I see BMW 7 series over the rear wheels. I see M3 with the engine grill by front tires. I see X6 with the sloped rear lines. I then see Porsche Cayenne with the headlights. And then I see a monster from my nightmares that can’t speak on the front. Its probably some…
Bruh, you’re missing the point. Now you can stick your lumber in the front hatch, leave that open, and the thing can just drive itself home. Welcome to the future.
True, but the numbers are insanely inflated. Its just a grand and its fully refundable.
My wife has 155k on her 08' Rav 4 and I have $6700 cash in my Tesla fund. I will have my Sun Power solar panels paid off 3 years after they were installed by pouring the SRECs and tax rebates back into them so in 2017 I will have free electric power AND be earning $1800 a year in solar renewable energy credits from…
This story involving the NFL actually has science that someone might have to have passed the 9th grade to comprehend. I mean, the science that involves cold things shrinking was enough to confuse and anger about 80% of the NFL’s fans and the entire NFL leadership. This talk about the brain is literally brain science,…
How do u figure out how big a device you need? Like for a decent desktop computer what do you need?
How do u figure out how big a device you need? Like for a decent desktop computer what do you need?
Hey man, some of us are in it for the thrill.
I love how a media organization dedicated to sensationalizing just about everything is suddenly outraged when a sensationalized candidate is about to become the next President. You guys get the chicken/egg paradox here, right?