
This is really weird. I just bought the C9 A1900 three days ago and am installing it when I get home today. I freaked out seeing this post but then noticed that the price of the router only has gone up to 124.99 from the 112.99 I just paid. They are basically throwing in modems for free on their higher end routers and

This is really weird. I just bought the C9 A1900 three days ago and am installing it when I get home today. I

So the first SNF game of the year featuring two top teams in the league plays out like this. The team that won threw two pick 6s and generally played awful the entire night against a depleted Giants squad. The Giants, or the losing team made multiple mental mistakes and ended up losing because their quarterback and

Does everyone forget that when the Steelers scored on their other goal line play the Patriots did the same thing and vacated the hole that Will Johnson ran through? I mean what the fuck?

I guess you could draft a Quarterback on no one’s radar in the 6th round, let him develop, and then after he’s won 4 Superbowls you could try to destroy his legacy by calling him a cheater, only to be proven wrong by anyone who’s passed a 9th grade science class. Oh wait, that already happened.

I was a backup quarterback at a New England d3 college. My job, along with the other two backup qbs was to send wig wags in to our quarterback. Our head coach would also send in signals. He would also cover his mouth with his play sheet when talking to our other coaches in the booth. I never knew why we were doing

Am I the only one who finds the use of the term ‘backlash’ in the title of this article a little, umm, off putting?

I feel pretty good about this. At least the Chinese soldier at the beginning of the clip chooses to walk in to the path of the crashing plane.

If you inflate footballs to a legal limit of 12.5 psi, then wet them and put them out in 40 degree temperatures for about an hour and a half, and then remeasure them, the air pressure will be

This is well written and a fairly logical piece, unfortunately ironically you are destroying any hope you have of accomplishing what you want.

Youre the kind of person who thinks that just because you arent doing anything wrong you have no problem with the nsa reading your texts and emails. People like you are naive and foolish and make it easy for the powers that be to take advantage of the average person, like yourself. If you honestly think the NFL would

I’m guessing you aren’t very good at sports.

I am really not a big fan of the Patriots, but if anyone with even a wee-bit of intellect can’t see what’s going on here, well, I think that’s what the NFL was banking on.

Who do they think they are, the NCAA?!

Why are Apple Watch wearers libertarians? I am neither, but I would like to know the reference.

Can you run this game on more than one device? Like if I have an iphone and an ipad can I play it interchangeably between the two like Clash of Clans for instance?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE me some APrime, but don’t be blinded. I use virtually every service listed above but there are flaws in all of them. For instance, Prime Pantry is still kind of a pain in the ass. They massively overcharge for certain items, like Goldfish, but do have decent deals on others. They are getting

Ya know, I love reading these deals and I frequently buy them, but would you guys stop saying how rare Sonos components go on sale please. I feel like you say it at least every week. The only thing that goes on sale more are USB battery chargers and anything by Logitech.

Ya know, I love reading these deals and I frequently buy them, but would you guys stop saying how rare Sonos

If anyone has watched Inequality For All this should be no surprise. In it they talk about three main mechanisms Americans have been using to maintain their standard of living. One was women went to work in the 70s. Next was Americans started working more hours. And finally the credit bubble erupted in the 2008

Eneloops back to 41

Eneloops back to 41

3 years ago I bought an E-310 as well, from Lowes and even found a coupon code that worked with it. (Usually they don’t at Lowes.) I got it for $450. My friend thought I was crazy, laughed at me, and then he bought a $250 CharBroil. His entire insides have essentially rotted out and most of his grill is covered in

3 years ago I bought an E-310 as well, from Lowes and even found a coupon code that worked with it. (Usually they