Yaaaa, I wonder why FIFA didn’t think it was such a bad ideaaa...
And she’s an Indian. What the hell was your point again?
I just bought the d5 All-Clad 10 piece set off Macy’s. They have really great deals actually. It was 20% off but you can regularly find 25% off. I got the whole thing for 499 and, yes, they are pretty awesome. Barkeepers friend is amazing too and far more amazing is you buy it at lowes or home depot where its only…
I just bought the d5 All-Clad 10 piece set off Macy’s. They have really great deals actually. It was 20% off but you…
How does 1password work if you use macs and pcs? you dont have to buy it twice do you?
How does 1password work if you use macs and pcs? you dont have to buy it twice do you?
After watching the full bit he did on the sex scandal thing I didn’t think it was that awkward at all. He performed it. He sold it in a comedic manner and had plenty of little comments and jokes in there that led the audience to laugh and treat the entire thing in a light hearted manner.
I was a collegiate quarterback. Lets get that out of the way. That being said, anyone who hasn’t played a sport at a high level and has actually had to do these things really understand them. For instance, when you get a new football, do any of you know how it comes out? If you have a drop of sweat on your hand, and…
That was my first reaction too. But if the texts are true, and if you have actually read them, then what the hell else was he talking about? He clearly uses the word deflate in situations that have nothing at all to do with footballs and are used in a totally bizarre context.
This is certainly all a show. Anyone else get the feeling that the NFL is turning into the WWE? Maybe the XFL was onto something.
Hahaha. Ahhh, that’s good shit. You have presented like the worst argument possible. If this were a debate class you would receive an F. “All the other teams think the Patriots cheat too so they must!” hahah. Ahhh, here read this.
I am dealing with this right now. You also have to mention the difference that occurs when the kid moves from the infant car seat to the convertible seat. Whole new ballgame. When my daughter was roughly <1 even if she fell asleep it was easy enough to pop the infant seat out and carry it, or throw it in the stroller.…
minority report.
... Said every liberal ever. Unfortunately yes, there are bad people in the world who will kill you, rape any women who might be of importance to you and then take everything you own. This happens a few thousands times a day. See cnn.com for more evidence.
This is excellent. I freak out like this all the time but usually just keep it to myself and usually no more than a paragraph. Fantastic.
This is excellent. I freak out like this all the time but usually just keep it to myself and usually no more than a…
Ya, I did that with the Amazon Echo. Christmas be a long time comin'.
Ya, I did that with the Amazon Echo. Christmas be a long time comin'.
Dudes I just had an invention. They should get the coil thing a la Back to the Future II to harness electricity from A. lightning B. power lines. Then it would be like in The Avengers when Thor electrifies Iron Man and he's at 400%. Cmon. Lets make either of those happen.
Where are all of the liberal morons who usually comment about US military spending by saying things like "Uhhh ya, like we need another ship in the Navy" or "Ummm maybe we could spend this money giving everyone a free education" or "Ughhh, another killing machine, sweet! My tax dollars at work (SMH)." ????
Someone must have really had a problem with people who had the last name "Johnson."
So are the Pats going to pick up Michael Sam now or what?