
Can we add Comcast/Xfinity to this list? There is almost nothing I get angry about in the world. I've never even been in a fight. But every time I have to interact with Comcast my brain subverts to some ancient caveman fight or flight scenario and I have to consciously cause myself to not want to mass murder/slaughter

I have to admit, I was a jock my entire life. Now not some cocky douche jock but good enough to be athlete of the year at a place or two. But I liked reading, science, and computers so there's that. Even still, hearing about other people's daughters (or even kids) and just my general perception of the plight of women

Laws that regulate speed are pretty arbitrary when you think about it. Do lawmakers in Texas, Wyoming, or certain parts of New York or etc. etc. really think that going 75 is safe compared to law makers in Massachusetts who limit most of their roads to 55? Is the speed limit really set at 55, or 65, or 75, or 85 for

Does everyone forget what teams do to balls before big kicks? They put the footballs next to the heaters on the sidelines if its cold out to expand the air inside of them and make them more bouncy. Every team in the NFL, college, and highschool has been doing that for years. Also is stickum illegal? Did you see a

Since when did Amazon become such a whore? Dudes, I pay you $100 dollars a year for Prime. Stop forcing BS advertising down my throat.

Since when did Amazon become such a whore? Dudes, I pay you $100 dollars a year for Prime. Stop forcing BS

Its 15 dollars more if you want it to come without 'advertiser screensavers'. WTF

Its 15 dollars more if you want it to come without 'advertiser screensavers'. WTF

I'm sorry but what is the story here? What are cops supposed to do when they get called to a situation in which a young man is pointing a gun at people, they pull up, and he whips out the gun and .... what? Should they wait to see what happens? Should they see if the person is willing to fire at them? Can any of you

I'm sorry can you please write an article about all of the injustices that police have done to white people? Or would that fuck your argument? You can start with the case of Kelly Thomas if you like, remember the white guy beaten to death by cops on video? Those cops got away with it too. OH THE HUMANITY!?

The only 'false report' here is the report of Michael Brown throwing his hands up and saying "Don't shoot." The person who said it in the first place, his best friend who helped him rob a store minutes before, is the one who said it, and has since retracted it, after being contradicted by ohhhh a dozen or so eye

Reminds me of the opening scene to World War Z.

This is one of the better comments I think I have ever read. So bland, so accurate. I am not picking a dog in this fight but this made me smile.

No, it is not. I have one Roku and just have it on an older LCD. My ps3 works quite well. Perhaps if you have an older smart tv, like my Sony bravia circa 2011 or so this might be a nice interface upgrade, however it adds a remote and more clutter, therefore, probably moot.

No, it is not. I have one Roku and just have it on an older LCD. My ps3 works quite well. Perhaps if you have an

Pretty sure when I vomited all over the back of some poor stranger at Sea World Orlando's Wild Arctic Flight Simulator, neither my interpretation of the movement nor that persons interpretation of the chunky liquid on their head could be mistaken for 'fake.'

Why does it look like that dog has a third eye to the right of its left eye. Follow that carefully.

This could totally be a misunderstanding. I had an '06 G coupe and went to test drive an 09 coupe, like the one in the video. Well apparently they changed the shift lever because on my '06 it used to be locked in place when it was in drive. You had to pull the button to be able to move it. So I am out taking this

That last part about unlimited language was interesting. As was the entire article. But its funny, since I was a little kid when I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep I would say crazy things in my head. Just put together a bunch of random words under the thought that I was the only person who had ever uttered

Unfortunately the reason I got a new phone was because my Droid Incredible wouldn't charge anymore. Finicky USB. Ah well.

What a disaster. Robert Kardashian's corpse could win a 50 million dollar lawsuit against the LAPD given these circumstances.

This study is absurd. I work with, let's say, 'challenged' kids. These kids are all kicked out of numerous public schools before ending up at our little establishment. So my first hand experience with actual human beings proves some things. A. People with mental disorders have little to no ability to differentiate

Dude. Seriously? You quickly throw in the 'legit concern' in the second to last line of the article. You make the argument that men have been dealing with not having a urinal at home and act as if this it the same thing? Have you ever been to a sporting event? Given the liberal feminist nature of this post I would