
bhphoto matched the deal. It says 899-150 but when you add to cart the t4i with 1855 is 599.

I agree man, I am just saying that for Anything! to stifle discussion or close minds is never good with science. Why is there such vitriol directed at people who want to analyze data critically? Even if they can't prove anything isn't it good to look for stuff? Isn't there the possibility they might question something

Because Apple is different than everyone else. No? Look at their stock price and cash flow. End of argument. How are google's, amazons, acers, etcetcetc profit margins on tablets? Non-existent. How are Apples? That's my point. Everyone likes to look at this generic argument and say that since other manufacturers don't

I've been saying for years that Apple is going to make a TV. Can anyone, other than the lame profit margin argument, argue why they wouldn't? It's not like tv's are going anywhere. They are a company. Companies are either growing, or they are dying. If Apple doesn't enter a new market soon, they will be dying. They

You are right, although I am not confused by these two principles to me they are just inextricably linked. I could have certainly been more clear in my initial positioning. My point was that for this science which we are apparently in consensus over to drive policies that have drastic effects for our economy might be

Hey man, fair enough. However if you make drastic and bold changes to your entire economy thus putting you at a massive competitive disadvantage based upon science that might 'point to a completely different conclusion' then you've kind of fucked yourself, right?

1. "We are now painfully aware that the Holocaust deniers were dead wrong and that there was a planned systematic genocide," Tomkiewicz, author of Climate Change: The End of Now, wrote on Earth Day 2012. "But what about climate change deniers? Can we really compare the two, the Holocaust and climate change?"

Regardless. I am not a doubter, I just hate falling victim what looks to me like a solid group think case. We are taking a bunch of measurements and using these numbers for the first time in human history, essentially, to make very drastic claims as to the nature of why the earth is changing. Sure, we have theories

Kindle paperwhite for ma. Just got diagnosed with Parkinsons so needs something lighter than an iPad and easier to read than a real book. 32" tv for dad for his room. Going to have to splice cable for like the 6th time but internet signal is still solid.

Funny, I don't recall any alien invasion stories making the covers of the most influential and widely read magazines and newspapers of the world. Actually, except when War of the Worlds was played over the radio and a bunch of people committed suicide in 1938. That must have been pretty wild. Well, either way, it

True. But what about the question of 'How much do humans actually effect our planet?' Have they figured that one out, in a quantifiable way? As compared to things like the sun and say, a volcano, for instance?

That's it? That's strange. I thought the NY Times covered it, and US News and World Report. And just about all media outlets. Must have been a fluke. Usually when some crazy person writes a crazy book it makes the cover of Time.

100,000 light years across actually. Here is something to blow your mind.

So a theory generally accepted by the overwhelming majority of the scientific community might be wrong? That's weird. How could that happen?!

I think were coming at this from different angles. I understand the intent of the Constitution and the balance it intends to create. Now, without digging into the annals of history to look at our great accomplishments under one party rule, which I was never intending to do, if we look at modern day politics and the

Here is a question I can't wrap my brain around. How do they have any idea how old this is? Do they account for the apparent fact that the universe is expanding because of dark energy? If that is happening wouldn't that really throw everything off?

Doesn't google maps get its traffic data by tracking android phones gps signals? I think I remember hitting ok on a privacy check box when I first enabled gps on my new droid.

Agreed. One of the down falls of a 2 party democracy. Lot of butting of heads.

Well, my understanding of checks and balances is that their intent is to not allow any one branch of government to gain too much power. Well, what does power mean? Power means enacting legislation or measures that directly influence the governance of the people. Since the people, are the ones who elect members of the

What would be huge would be the iphone 6's price tag.