
Why doesn't the catfish just use french fries to lure them closer?

I think they turn into cats.

These two videos have just made my day. (This one and that pelican.)

Why can't you link online gambling to bank accounts? Paypal has that figured out don't they? Do you honestly think people should be allowed to gamble on credit? Its literally one of the worst ideas I can possibly imagine.

Perhaps the signs we are seeing are global warming. Science based? No but who cares, maybe the suns going to explode. Mark of the Beast? 666, 6+6+6=18 barack hussein obama = 18 letters !? City of Seven Hills being destroyed? According to wikipedia Staten Island is said to have been built upon 7 hills = Hurricane

This is how it works on my Droid Razr HD. Problem is you can't customize what the options are. That would be helpful, since I don't use the native messaging app and would like to be able to make it handcent.

Clearly you do not know much about cameras, generally speaking.

I envy you. My 5n feels so, out..dated... Hopefully the new 35 1.8 I have on order spices her up a bit.

The only thing that makes this not fit in a tight jeans pocket is the lens. The body of the camera, with a different lens, and granted in future versions, will be entirely pocketable. I have a 5n with Sigma 30 I can fit in any jacket pocket, or in any cargo pocket from shorts. Sure I can't slide it in next to my cell

A pocket sized camera with a full frame sensor? What's so revolutionary about that? .... Maybe they didn't get one to review so they just ignored it. That's my bet.

And what's wrong with this? Lest we forget that the point of our little experiment here is balance. The US Constitution set up our government as a system of checks and balances. Therefore when you have radical liberal ideologues in the executive office, a democratically controlled Senate, and a Supreme Court that is

So, a wealthy, immature, homicidal and suicidal football player with numerous likely brain injuries killed his girlfriend with a gun. I guess the government should step in and prevent me from protecting myself and my family given that I've owned dozens of firearms for over 20 years and mysteriously haven't killed

I could not be thinking any more rationally. I am not religious. However you, or any real scientist fails to present any idea that is more credible than any idea that religion has presented, as hard as they have tried. Please, explain to me, how the universe began.

Man, you are a moron.

What's the deal with the overwhelming amount of Canon's in use? I mean, its not even a comparison. And a fairly surprising number still using the 5dII. I guess the 5dIII just came out this year so its adoption might not be that high yet. Is this a Reuters thing? Do they help supply cameras to their journalists and

It is so incredibly mind boggling to me the amount of typos on a site like this. I mean, how many times do you re-read your comments to make sure you didn't mess up? And yet they just go ahead and apparently type these entire articles out, and then send them off to be published for the world to see without even

Now playing

Can you imagine the face this kid had on when he went over the cliff. Man, if only there was a video in that car. Probably something like this.

I suppose and I guess there might be some kind of formula to work this out. But if so, why haven't they cracked it yet? You have to figure there are only so many elements that make up life. And from there only so many elements that make up basic primordial life that were available on this planet. Therefore, why can't

Granted I have a fairly limited understanding of this, but isn't it obvious? I mean it might be semantics but to me the origin of life is where you have to go right? If you are building a tree the tree starts with one seed and branches out then there is only one point. If not than the inference would be that the