
I am not sure how you came to that conclusion, but no. What I am implying is that people who rule out the possibility of, well, anything being a possibility simply don't understand science well enough. There's a brain twister huh? There is no rational basis that the generally accepted theory of the Big Bang is any

Agreed. This speech gives me goose bumps every time I hear it. That is a great movie.

I love how people who are proud to profess that they have no belief in a God are the first to call people who believe in one ignorant. As if science has even come remotely, I mean, remotely, close to answering any or all of the questions that the basis of religion attempts to provide guidance for at its core.

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"This reduces its speed considerably, which could make a pursuing enemy to overshoot, giving the pilot a window of opportunity to fire at it."

Its not just the sensors, it is their size. The Nex line etc have larger sensors. It would be like saying our APS-C sensors are just as good as Full Frame. They are not. It is physics. The amount of light collected by an APS-C sensor allows better dynamic range and increased low light ability. Just check dpreview and

No chance. The article says this thing already is used for ICBMs as an early launch vehicle. It gets the glider into orbit and uses the trajectory to hit its target. This thing flying through the air at 30,000 would probably burn up.

I think the sun makes a pretty big radiation cloud too.

People's inabilities to comprehend how the world works mystifies me. Does the F-22 have some problems? Sure. Fair enough. Now please, oh critical ones, enlighten us all to all of the products released on the face of the planet which do have their faults. I mean, every iPhone has been such a smashing success with 0

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Interesting article but seems like a little too much hearsay. I guess everyone is different but I have been heavily interested in the electronics industry since I was, well, like 3 so that was about 27 years ago. Therefore I would say my opinions and perceptions of products in America is pretty informed. As far as

Well I was going to go ahead and say that but you nailed it.

Ok everyone seems to be on the same page here.. But maybe I missed it. Isn't the Hubble the most powerful telescope we have, also helped by being outside of our atmosphere? And it is primarily optical right? Are the two telescopes they used radio telescopes? They can't be optical right? Therefore is the additional

I dont get this either. I have been paying modem rental fees since 1999 when I first signed up for Comcast. Jesus, that's like, $936 dollars. I guess I really should have just bought one.

Hmm, I can't honestly say. The one weakness to the system has been the Auto Focus system but the 5n, 7, C3, 5, F3 all used CDAF. The new 6 and 5r use the CDAF/PDAF hybrid system. Also you can add the LAEA2 adapter and it gives it the same system the Sony DSLR's use, using the translucent mirror tech that focuses quite

They don't require additional lenses to work.. That doesn't make any sense, clearly the camera comes with a kit lens. In this case it is an 18-55 3.5-6.3ish. However if you want to do different types of photography well than you can buy just about any lens in the world and stick it on this camera with an appropriate

The shutter lag is as fast as any in the business. These things crank out 10 FPS easily if you have the right card. I can do that with raw files, at 16.7 megs a file. Shutter lag on the 5n was .02 seconds so it is probably similar here.

There is no way that was the real Sam Biddle who posted that. His account must have been hacked. Otherwise its inexcusable, or mind boggling, or ... How else do you get 33 replies saying "$*& you" in like ten minutes?

If anyone here is actually interested in flashlights you should check out www.candlepowerforums.com. Also there is a marketplace to buy and sell used lights that will save you serious money on Surefire's for instance. Its at www.cpfmarketplace.com. Be warned however... I got into this game about 3 years ago and in

Wow, touche. That really blows my mind. Guess this things not really intended for the American market. Also not an LTE version yet. Skipped Verizon for the time being. And the camera certainly seems like more of a gimmick than anything. Ah well, glad I got my Razr HD with absurd battery life, 4g, and comparable

No that's just silly. Either A. this version is 32 GB and they will make a cheaper version available at 16 GB or its just a typo, a seemingly routine occurrence on this site.

Maybe I am missing something but what do you mean by 'touch surface'? What is different from the physical surface of this product than say, the ipad? Or are you talking about the big table Surface product that is like 5 grand?