Sometimes, the only way to deal with what are nothing but udderly false witch!-like accusations, is with straight out stone-cold facts of tangents that are inescapably true of this plane's fabric of reality:

You didn't hear it. At all.

Nope. Your own words.

I found out once accidentally over drinks that a friend was a sugar-baby. I just looked her dead in the eye... and told her she was a cock-goblin. She could only hold an angry face for a microsecond and burst out in tears laughing so hard and repeating out loud "cock, gobblin'...!" a few times for my emphasis to set

You seem to be ignorant & hateful. You are confused and unaware about the meaning of "progressive"; it does not just automatically equate to mean something as positive. Stop that garbage. Even Hitler was progress ive. For a while there anyways.

Too true, too true... +, like most of the previous Shredder roles were played by black men too, so technically- this whitey is balancing it out for equality! wtfigoh...!

Stop projecting your closet-case segregationistic and divisioning ideologies onto other people, the only racists in this thread talking about movies only being about white characters is only you. Only you.

Oh Kate, Kate Kate Kate Kate Kate... sad, ignorant Kate... the local may be a part of the world, and inversely, the world is made up of many, many, MANY! localities that happen to be not just your own, so don't be a bigot and try to push the local into trying to be the world. Even a dumb, closed-minded american like


Oh look,

... . . . (._. ) . . . bleating liberals pulling the wool over their own eyes.

Now playing

Here, this "article" made me remember a scene from a 1997! movie:

Because, like priceless works of art that collectors steal or buy underhandedly, he probably has a hidden private collection that would keep on being sold/traded in the blackmarkets'n'suchwhat, so it's a move like nuclear disarmament to take the problems out of circulation/proliferation. Think of it like a firearm

You kinda went stupid there in the second half. What makes poaching so appealing is exactly because it is so taboo, like sociopathic but calculating serial rapists or art thiefs/collectors that steal a priceless work of art that they know could never display: it's all just for that exact kind of personal satisfaction.

False, ƒalse, FALSE! Many of those who have been accused of any crime from rape to downright heinous chocolate-bar heists & skateboarding have at one time or another been jailed on just a witch!-like finger pointing. Hell, I even had to sit in jail overnight once on a DV charge an alcoholic cousin accused me of just

Yeah, I don't follow or watch sports either, but let's just say I did watch menz sports and follow a favorite team; what then?? Why would I ever care about absolutely ANY women's sport league when my already established favorite team of a sport could never go beat the piss out of a women's team in any kind of official

XP Corporate S.E. here, a Black version that runs like solid gold and is just ahh-fucking-mazing! Used to have XP MCE 2005 as my OEM OS, but it was always such a headache, as soon as I popped in XP Corporate S.E. for my 99% stock T180-EA350m it has been nothing but smooth sailing!


Hahahaahahaahahaahaahaaaa!!... oho, oh man... white Nicki Minaj... oh holy hell that was funny as fuck, brings a tear to my eye. Yeah, apparently no one can do the white Nicki Minaj like Nicki Minaj can!:

Wow... . . . (._. ) . . .