Pot, meet Kettle. Kettle, Pot.

No, no, no, nonononono, no. You're confused here, Jezebel was ALREADY by-&-for rape apologists. Jezebel excused atrocious acts of rapes/child-molestations/human-trafficking/abuse before because they were committed by "females", not "violent, depraved thugs". This is why I can't side with feminism in activism, because

Well that explains why you

"someone's stamp of approval."‽ Well shit, guess we don't have to do any critical thinking about it for ourselves then. All hail the intuitive future where you don't have to just think about anything! Anymore!

Wwwwait wait wait wait wait... hold the hell up: I gotta get dragged out back and shot just because your fuckups of fallopian tubes ended up being lazy slacker failures?! What kind of misplaced & retarded bullshit garbage is THAT‽ I didn't make your tubes that way!! That is thee most stupidest thing I have ever read

So then, where it does freely happen, why can't men "duck out" still??

Cash rules everything around me,

"I believe that if a woman accuses a man of rape, that's all the proof that is needed.

Because it's not up to you nor could you ever truly know who "escaped" conviction. You're no better than a Nazi with your burn-the-witch!-like hate-speech. So yeah, you failed.

You're making it out to be something like that sexism isn't supposed to exist though. You can call yourself a modern, western, progressive person all you want (born in Grant's Pass myself and now live in Rod Serling's hometown, the real Twilight Zone (gawd this place is creepy...)) but the fact of the matter is that

"escaped conviction."

Yep, worshiping a rapist that turns himself into rape-baby is a pretty negative thing.

Nightcheese talking about confined underground spaces just reminded me of that fact, that's all. You're really into negative things, like assumption. I can tell.

Wow. It's so nice to see that fascistic feminists like you that practice segregationist views can still articulate a sentence... . . . (._. ) . . . how goes the only-liking-someone-just-because-they're-like-you divisionistic labeling?

... . . . (._. ) . . . but . . . that's romney . . .

My favorite face-switch of all time...

Gawker Media was pulling that shit too, so I had to hijack some DWI sob story just to get them to post a blurb about it to the main page's feed.

Many N.A. tribes held the fear of, and the belief that, if you got stuck in a cave and died underground or drowned in a lake or river, then your spirit would be trapped there forever never to see your ancestors or descendents again.

Yeah, it's like saying the victim has no other way out.

That's not a fact. That's just hypocrisy. Someone saying that there can only be one true interpretation of something is just being as closed-minded, nutty and crazy as some zealous bible-thumping fundie-freak.