That does not apply in this situation. AT ALL.

Yeah, the old cocky-comment-by-someone-confident-in-their-victory routine is a classic trope in gaming; sometimes an imminent asswhooping reference is just an imminent asswhooping reference.

Welcome!, to the age of intuitive technology: the era of where you don't have to think about anything! Anymore! AT ALL!!!

Wow Erin, what the fuck happened to you?! I'd figure you of all authors on Jezebel would actually be the one to praise Edward Snowden since he did put to practice one of feminism's core aims after all.



"If Judge Jones really thinks that the defendant’s race alone indicates a propensity to commit violence, well, that’s racist. And it’s pretty heinous, too."

Now playing

Don't you just love it when someone tells you about a band and they turn out to be 100% outrageously stupid or just 100% stupendously amazing?! Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, was in an amazing 70's Italian music group before she went and did topless burlesque in The Working Girls! The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation

Pfft, my oneup is better: never even heard of them at all till I stumbleupon'd that article... . . . (._. ) . . . so V/H/S 2 is really really good, zombie POV FTW!


Who you share the PC with won't know as Incognito is designed to keep your computer clean of data that would normally be held in the temporary cache files, but all your online activity is still tracked by the NSA and whoever else you log into as like face-book. The only family member peering over your shoulder is

Apparently a stupid one at that too!

"what maybe funny you or me maybe unfunny to someone else"

10-4 little buddy,

"Why is it sooooo hard for certain comedians to see things from another person's perspective? Why is it so obscenely difficult for them to consider the opinions of other people other then their loud, abrasive, obnoxious selves."

You're missing the entire point completely.

Just because you didn't laugh at it doesn't mean that it's not a joke if it bombs, it just means that for you there is a disconnect... in your head to boot... . . . (._. ) . . .

Condescending? No, never was. But now I'm just calling you straight out fucking stupid for pushing your own projections onto me and because you're purposely trying to read too far in between the lines that you can't even see the forest for the trees. Just shut you fat, wide mind mouth for a second, go back and reread