Something in his pre-DW-days I guess by his youthfulness!

... . . . (._. ) . . .

Heh... Beby-bumz! Beby-bumz!

"If you think people don't have the right to say "I agree with this particular action, but not other actions by this same group," then the logic train long ago left your station."


I'm pretty sure... not like I can give you an exact date or episode #, but as soon as I saw you mention SVU it felt like déjà vu to me. In some form or another anyways.

That's been one of her oldest lines and things she uses, that it's-okay-to-just-be-okay schtick has been her act for like ever. Seriously, like 95% of anything that came out of her mouth when she was on Conan awhile back was nothing but self-depreciating.

I think the po po have a don't-ignore-rich-people policy already in place.

You know, I think they already covered this, years ago too

Because it's a choice.

I hated that grades bit, because it flies in the face of so-called rape culture's logic so they had to say some shit like oh, well, even if they had good grades they didn't know any better; these girls were completely smart enough to know what they were doing was nothing but horrible and this article is 100% trying to

If they had to beat someone into doing it, then I'm pretty sure they knew it was bad.

I'm confused here, what do you mean by nope? Which way is it then, intrinsic intellect or managed margins??

I know you didn't imply it, but you should realize that you just legitimized under-aged relationships with minors. By your views here, when I was fifteen and given a scholarship to any university in New York I chose to attend because of my wit & aptitude, I would be completely in the wrong -and even to a point of a

And don't forget that the human species has specifically designed THC receptors in the brainz!

Does this mean I've been wrong all along and that the next time I see me godmother that I should tell her that she is icky for hooking up (and even marrying‽) someone twenty-six years younger than her??

Everybody always talks about their Doctor or what actor/actress would be a good Doctor... they the simpleminded forget that the coolest Doctor of all to swagger on out of the TARDIS was and always will be the Doctor Donna. The Tennanth Doctor is a close second of course...