Why? Because I was able to handle my rape with my own two hands right then and there??
Why? Because I was able to handle my rape with my own two hands right then and there??
Nor wouldn't the TARDIS translate Doreen the Marketplace Moped Dealer for Clara in which the Doctor happened to overlook that detail... . . . (._. ) . . . or did he?....
It's the pack mentality of human nature.
This is exactly why the Dropkick Murphys can't understand how their barbrawl-beat sound + Irish Pride lyrics draw white supremacist skinheads like moths to a flame.
No it's not ironic, it's a reflection of how slavery is still practiced in the U.S. today. Have you even thoroughly read the thirteenth amendment that supposedly "abolished" slavery?! It has a big ol' EX$EPT! clause slapped right on it! Slavery is still practiced to this day, it's just been privatized & monetarily…
Art is not a democracy;
I was snarky but it's not an ad hominem attack, just common sense and fact. Your thoughts processes, or so-called mindset, come out of biochemical & electrochemical combinations (which can be fucked with and controlled {manipulated} externally by an outside force a la fluoride-based Prozac pill, Sodium Pentothal…
Bout time thought-Nazis fessed up.
It's not that NYC doesn't generate tax-funds out of trades & commerce, but that a lot of what is generated by upstate/cny/stny/west New York zones, that are now basically giant depression-slumps like a northern extension of the Appalachians, gets decided and portioned out by the capital & metro zones. And really, when…
... . . . (._. ) . . .
I can tell you what I know of about out of that map and it's not carnage, it's parasitism. See those three red blocks in NY? I've lived in the top two and can guarantee you that if NYC was cut off from the rest of the state and turned into it's own district like D.C. then a lot of the taxes those zones pay could stay…
"I hope an old lady died somewhere while all the cops were at Selena Gomez's house!!!"
Oh so true, too true, but not always applied. One of the reasons I hate feminism is because it acts just as bigoted as other closed-minded and hypocritical religions do by being two-faced while only purporting half truths. Rape wasn't only just about power 1 year ago and it wasn't about power 100,000 years ago. Take…
Hear hear. Hear fucking hear!
Then yeah, that's confusing and way off. I do like Bel's second paragraph about height though, that's actually funny and got a chortling snort out of me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I just stopped reading the comic around #64? so I don't even bother with the TV show. I think what the author and other commenters here are missing is that even if the creator is completely being sexist, he is still being a realist as well; a lot of the rights and dynamics we go by and supplanted in a governed world…
"it's my job to know this shit."