there is no way i could keep a list. i have the worst memory....

for TV, another option is to turn it way down and use closed-captioning. I am partially deaf and I have gotten in the habit of using it so I can understand what's being said without driving my neighbors crazy.

He looks hot in that pic up there.

Yep. She's just too young to pull off hardened and jaded. It's too her credit I believed her at all.

are we sure there was noooo underwear or just very small underwear?

I don't understand why this happens all the time. If a girl is into you that way, and you're spending time with her, you'll know it sooner, rather than later. Girls actually have and like male friends they are not sexually attracted to.

i have several friends who work for news corps and they all say it's the best gig ever.

Sam, this will be my first bird. What's the number one rookie mistake?

I bought the larger iPad instead of the mini because I wanted the screen real estate. Though it fits into my purse it is really heavy. Heavier than my air. The mini was so light— it seemed like the back was made of different material? I don't understand why when they did the update to the big one they didn't make it

Is it usually this bad?

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. for the love of god thank you so much for this.

notice that people are starting to fight back in the second and third pages.

i think people see their savings as something for themselves; if they even have savings. it's a bit psychological.

I don't know. My PMS—strongest the five days before the period—is so strong that I really feel insane. I really start behaving like a crazy person and making decisions that don't make sense, and I honestly believe I should not be allowed near a computer/out of the house/ near humanity during those days. Ditto, for

I am constantly using my hands. I am italian. I am also crazy and out of control. that is all.

Actually, yes. When Axl Rose was anything less than peak career lithe, he was fatshamed, too.

yes, believe so.

I can attest to this. I am already hard of hearing and get bouts of tinnitus brought on by stress (when I rearrange my house or do something that involves moving or cleaning, for some reason). Last time I rearranged my office, I also got my period, so I took two Aleves. The ringing started, and got worse and worse and

When I lived in New York, I would be harassed on a daily basis, three, four, five times in the span of 15 or 20 minutes, just walking to work. My favorite incident came during winter, when I was wearing what can only be described as a sleeping bag (full body, puffy jacket) which is the most sexless item of clothing

I'm still split on the check 4/ways etc. because the economy has made so many people so broke, if your super broke friend wants to eat, they are on a tight budget, they are watching what they order and they don't want to pay for your dessert or second glass of wine or appetizer. I'd rather nitpick over the deets and