I'm gonna say something that's actually the opposite of everyone else. I have been so casual for the last few years, that I started feeling sorta dumpy and soccer mom-ish looking. Wearing not sexy jeans, casual fluffy tops that weren't really form fitting but hid the extra belly and what not. I'd wear very light

that's what I am talking about.

why is she doing that! does she not see it or care?

please post....

Yeah, that was some horseshit.

I've always wondered if a lot is lost in translation. Like if he's funnier in person and that if we don't know who he is and how he talks in real life, that it doesn't translate? because the way the questions are written it seems like people should be storming off but they are not...

What about water? Our cat is insane about his water. insane.

I have a harder time watching Jay Leno than I do Ryan in that clip. So awful.

The only think I still can't understand is why her voice sounds so small and processed when she was belting out big bluesy songs as an eight year old and could/can totally sing for real? Is it because they had to dumb her down for pop?

Bart Conner. Well. Paul Hamm.


to the points named in the article—is a nair/veeted pubic area less susceptible to the influx of stds because it's not been shaved/been exposed via tiny cuts ect.

I actually had this happen to me. I shaved, got an ingrown hair, and it became a Staph/MRSA infection. It was a huge golf ball sized thing on my inner thigh, not helped by walking. Saw my doctor who didn't believe me at first and then was like OH, OH. noooooo. ok. yeah.

What about Nair? I feel like you aren't opening wounds or little cuts if you use it?

yeah they are all from a scene. the mags tried to make it look naughty.

Me and my friends used to do this about rock stars when we were teenagers but the difference is that they were in notes we passed to each other and not, like, posted EVERYWHERE for people to see.

no wonder! thank you for figuring that out. He had an Aussie accent or something right? Shannon was so much better than the other woman. They also didn't talk CONSTANTLY over the routine. They'd actually just watch it and explain what something was. So. much. better.

Sexy Alexi. mmmmm

I actually just muted them at one point. I couldn't take it anymore. The live broadcast commentators were much, much better and more restrained. Anyone know who they were?

that's exactly what i thought.