How does this unit work—their website is very barebones and from like 1995. can you use your lamp regularly after the alarm is off?

I have a friend who calls me whenever he can't figure out what happened to his video on Amazon Prime As if I know anything about this.

Question: I like the way the iPhone shows Apple's Calendar ToDo's but I don't like the way the Mac /ical's ToDo's. Is there anything that takes your ICal's todo and hacks the interface?

Manhattan is more than a mile wide. 2 and a half. And he's right. They are way dirtier than London, which is older and has more people. [wiki.answers.com]

Only thing I don't like is that you have to mail your checks in.

eh, just turn it on before you leave the house, download your stuff for a few minutes, and you'll have it. that's what i do with my current kindle.

In my experience at Kaiser Permanente, the doctors have no fucking idea how much their services cost. and if you are a deductible plan member, they think that you are just paying the $40 copay or whatever and don't understand that you are facing $500 bills later down the line. they are blissfully ignorant. the just

100 Sarah Palins in training! Get me outta here!

i haven't even watched the video and I love you.

female stoner movies.

that sounds awful, actually.

yeah, what'd you say? gimme more?

Yay, the Fremont Troll!

I have the Samsung Epic. and i'll say this. When my phone works, it does things that make my iphone friends jealous. But when it doesn't work, acts up, gets buggy and laggy and doesn't do what it's supposed to, I find myself yearning for the sheer IT JUST WORKS simplicity of a blackberry. because in the end, I need

that is interesting, though i suppose i could just heat up the milk in pan and then magic bullet it. It's so hard being a coffee snob.

I can get my Moka to make espresso—you don't let it boil all the way, you watch for the creme and shut it off and pour it. I then take the milk, microwave it for one minute 45 seconds and then put it in the Magic Bullet and whip it for about a minute. I have foamy silky milk and good espresso= a better latte than what

"Do or do not. There is no try."—Yoda.

When I was visiting Iphone owning friends in nyc they were seriously jealous of my android (epic). the gps freaked them out and they literally were agape when they saw swype. WAIT WHAT'D YOU JUST DO.

When, WHEEEEENNNNNN will we be able to get library books. WHEEENNNNN.