When, WHEEEEENNNNNN will we be able to get library books. WHEEENNNNN.

i never use + and find that just typing the random words i am looking for pulls up more results than people who do. maybe i'm wrong.

@MakeFetch: i was actually going to say that too. if they just got rid of the actual beef and used soy fake meat, would anyone know the difference?

I heart the Oatmeal. Wish he would just marry me already.

@thisistobehelpful: yep! i mean what i am trying to say is that picking someone you get along with moderately well even if the sexy excitement has worn off when you are in your 20s is a better plan than holding out for some romanticized ideal because you think anything less is 'settling.' because by the time you get

I'm sorry but I have to say as a woman who is 37, and has barely had any dates in over 12 years- and I don't count 1 night stands as dates-I have to say this advice is dead on right. When you are dating and meeting the most people in your mid-20s and you are learning about the different kinds of people you get along

@Ham_Sandwich: i rather like sky checking because then it's free and i feel like it's less likely to get lost. and i have a win/win. don't have to struggle to put my luggage above the seats (i'm 4'11", even if it's featherlight, i have a hard time reaching and doing it alone), and also don't have to wait at baggage

@Ham_Sandwich: people, you are doing it wrong: I took, on a two week vacation, in a duffle-shaped rolling carryon, not weighing more than 25 pounds: 1 pair of angle boots, 1 pair of knee high boots, 1 pair of black loafers, one thick chunky sweater, one sweater dress, at least 8 long sleeved tops and t's, a pair of

@NickFoote: yeah and i'm still waiting for 2.2 on samsung epic.

@SquareWheel: the only problem with both these methods, is say you are on your android phone and have clicked to a story and it's 8 pages long and the site isn't very optimized for the small mobile format and so getting to the print page is hard or doesn't work, and then you click to share on instapaper and it only

silly question but: when bookmarking instapaper a story that has multiple pages, it only saves the first page. any way to get around this?

I swear to god. I thought of this myself. i have no straight male friends in los angeles and it's making me insane.

@Miss Anita Manbadly: i lived next to a door slammer who was in and out all day. Our apts are made of wood and have no insulation and so even the door across the way causes vibration. so he was running out and slamming and it was literally impossible to do anything like take a nap without jumping five feet in the air

@blash: ha! I do the same thing. I do it in public when annoying people are talking. It's magic!

@dinoSnake: I don't want anyone i am not sleeping with to see me naked. i'm sorry. I'm a girl. maybe it's different to you. but i don't even like getting gawked at by gross men on street corners. this is absolutely unnecessary to me. it is a complete violation of my rights. i will get the pat down.

Also: though I'm not a fan of either of these new methods, I have to say the pat-down isn't that foreign to me. Anyone who has gone out clubbing in any of New York's bigger clubs is used to an unnecessary and invasive groping from unqualified security agents.

Maybe I'm not remembering this correctly, but 1. don't they already do private pat downs and very invasive body cavity searches on people they suspect are drug smugglers?

How the frick is Write Room not number one. NUMBER ONE, PEOPLE.