
Screw FF. I want a new Chrono Trigger game, dammit!

No starter will ever beat Cyndaquil. However, Pachirisu is a-freakin'-dorable!

Also, Body Language

I've always loved this one. Plus, everybody wants to be a cat!

To me, it all boils down to simple math. If 99% of the people who play violent video games, watch violent movies, and etc. don't go out and do these kind of horrific acts and 1% does, something is obviously wrong with the 1%.

I believe that when they formed Mighty Orbots, they once again grew in size. Haha, I dunno. It just looked awesome. Plus I absolutely loved the soundtrack to the show as well.

Yeah, that's definitely one of my choices for favorite mech as well. ZOE2 is my 3rd favorite game of all time. I really love all the Orbital Frame designs. I also love Vic Viper!

Orbots UNITE!

Especially if she responds "Gold Six standing by!"

Agreed. This was glorious!

Looking forward to seeing the Princess of Gemworld again. As for the backup story, they really need to stop allowing Tony Daniel to write.

Honestly, I cannot wait for the media and outraged people to bitch and whine about this when they don't even read comics in the first place nor have probably ever read comics.

A friend who lives in NC who had to do that.

Maybe she'll finally get to Mars.

We're talking about a state that forces high school students to get permission slips signed by their parents to learn about evolution. So this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

I think I could get my friends in on this. I mean, we'd of course need some electric carts to get us around, some new futuristic clothing to wear, oh and probably a submarine. It's still cheaper than some apartments in NYC!

Well I'm down. Lets get to work.

It was so awesome. Totally bad-ass!

This series is goddamn awful. Another big Marvel fanfic event where heroes fight heroes. La-dee-f#$king-da.

And that's why Secret War was so good. It was Good Guys vs. Bad Guys, not Good Guys vs. Other Good Guys like pretty much every Marvel BIG EVENT of most recent memory.