I see quipping. I'm very happy that I see quipping!
Yeah, that's pretty much a stellar Fantasy Football team right there. I'd also consider Bashir due to him being genetically altered!
I'm all for it!
But that Creationist Museum in Kentucky is an absolute MUST
Bring back Ben Sisko!!
...did someone say Gundam Collection?
Oh I understand that. And I suspect that will sell well. But people have to know it's coming, so why go see it in theaters again? I mean, I think the prequels are awful, but hey I'll still watch em cause they're awful Star Wars movies. But to actually pay to see this shitfest in the theaters AGAIN? It's just…
One day I hope we do call a new planet Super Earth!
It just boggles the mind. I mean, it's not like these movies were shot in 3D, like good 3D movies are. It's just going to be upscaled, like bad 3D movies are. Is it really worth $16+ just to see the same Darth Maul fight upscaled to 3D when you could just watch it at home for free?
Yeah, but you know, the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs isn't mentioned throughout the entire movie, nor has any real relevance to the plot or story. And yeah, the Maul fight scene is the best choreographed lightsaber fight in all six movies, but it brings nothing to the table.
I could use a good massage.
Soon we'll have Translator Microbes like in Farscape!
Yeah, still pumped for it. It will hopefully be everything I wanted from the first movie. YO JOE!
Ahhhhhhhhhh Robogeisha...
Either way, I'm still gonna listen to Barry White!
We haven't already?
There's absolutely nothing about this I didn't like!