I support this. A lot.
I support this. A lot.
This..........looks good. Well can I get a YO JOE?
If not, we can download that slang into their brains again!
Finally, my dream of being able to make sushi & draw people without any hard work, training, or real effort will be fulfilled!
Okay yeah.....this is awesome! If you'll excuse me, I need some Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.
I gotta say, I'm speechless
I'm also a fan of "Me Time"
Oh, it's not the only one that didn't.
Personally I think Carrey is a better serious actor than he is a comedian, so I actually think if he played The Riddler more seriously, he could have done a fantastic job with it.
What's sad is that Tommy Lee Jones probably would have made a fantastic Two-Face & Jim Carrey would have also made a great Riddler if the movie had any semblance of good, decent directing or writing to it.
Suffer? Ricardo's performance as Khan is legendary!
Yeah, exactly that!
I recently finished watching the original series on the Netflix. As an avid fan of animation & specifically cartoons, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the greatest cartoons ever made. Ever.
I will indeed miss Bobby.
This is awesome!
Exactly! Thank you, somebody who understands! It's how Bender needs alcohol to function, whereas when he was human in that Tales of Interest episode, he died!
Sorry, but unless it has giant evil animals fighting one another or cross-bred with other vicious animals, I'm not interested in any SyFy movies. Still waiting for Bearantula!
Personally, I still cannot believe the Cookie Monster's "Cookies are only a sometimes food" BS. Listen, he's a cookie monster. He loves cookies, and rightfully so, for cookies are absolutely delicious. Without him having to state that cookies are not something that should be eaten all the time, I understood that they…