
I think the reason comic companies are trying to do it because besides actually building a whole universe around the idea of the emotional spectrum and such, the GL franchise has easily got to be DC's main cash cow right now in terms of marketability, especially with the T-Shirts everywhere now.

You think this was worse than Dragonball: Evolution? Wow.


Fair enough. To each their own.

Love Kyle!

DC needs to make a Dex-starr plushie already!

A Space Bike? HA! Kyle Rayner drove around in space in a Cadillac, surfed through it, created a Flash Gordon ship like from the serial, AN X-WING. This is why he's my favorite GL. HE'S A NERD!

I saw this last night and my main fear with the movie was confirmed: it was a movie for fans not for the average movie goer. If your a fan of the current GL run since Rebirth, like I am, you should really really enjoy the movie, even despite some of the story elements they change around. However, if you're an average

I drink it by the bottle.

If I remember my Voltron lore correctly, the Car Voltron is an attempt to make a new Voltron after the Lion one was re-discovered......or something like that.

I think you're right. As a hardcore GL fan, I'm looking forward to this. As a movie fan, I really don't think it'll do well.

Warriors Drink!

The main problem I had with Star Trek VI....

Aliens. James Horner's soundtrack is flawless.

All I know is, when I go to the Museum of Modern Art and see purple string nailed to a wall in the shape of a trapezoid, or bricks on the floor, and it's called "art," I get upset.

I was really hoping someone would say the ability to talk with fishes. I'd so screw with people at the NY Aquarium!


Ahhhh Muppets. How I still love you so.

Harvey Dent's character is handled so well, especially in this movie, because it goes back to what the Joker talks about during the interview, about how people are only as good as the world allows them to be. It goes back to what the Joker was talking about in the famous Alan Moore comic, The Killing Joke, about how

It is for many of the reasons listed why the interrogation scene between Batman & The Joker is one of my favorite scenes in movie history. It's one of the greatest character arcs I've ever seen in a movie.