
Bullsh!t. Slippy proves this theory wrong 100 times over.

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@Ghinn: Haha, glad I could help

@Shai_Hulud: Unless I'm that Indian one they brought in later.

I still consider the Ponda skit from the first Robot Chicken: Star Wars thing canon.

I'm one step closer to yelling out POWER XTREMEEEEEEEEEEEE in public and not looking like a total lunatic!

80's saw the NES as well!

The Flaming C in a 6-part Mini series. SOLD!

@ccbweb: One of the best, IMO.

@TrueCrime: "Humans love a battle hardy. So does Puck, come on let's party!"

@Gonza: Bravo! Bravo, good reference. Loved those scenes.

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Really? No mention of the Disney cartoon Gargoyles anywhere? You know, a cartoon that actually had Shakespeare characters in it!

See, now this deserves an io9 meeting more than Tron. Cause man, one needs to drink after these abominations.