
Can't we just build giant space pirate ships with Solar Sails?

December just can't come fast enough, especially now with the promise of Separate Ways!


Not my first choice, but certainly not my last. Plus Nolan is producing, so I'm still hopeful. Also, Mr. Mxyzptlk should be played by Anthony Hopkins...for no real reason.

@Walking Eye!: I mean seriously. It's just awesome. Now I look forward to seeing how Dean's internship went.

I really love how Hank spoke when he had his Detective Hat on.

Why don't we just ask J'onn?

I've really enjoyed his run on Action Comics, and the fact that he's writing Knight & Squire have me even more excited for that series than I already was.

@Bigdamnhero: It feels good to let it all hang out.

You know, I've always said that io9 could use some nude psychotherapy.

I really hope this movie does well.

I wonder if they'll use her new outfit, which actually doesn't look that bad without the jacket.

Well if Dragonball Z science has taught me anything, more gravity just means we'll be training harder and soon have the ability to turn blond.

@LiC: He should go even further back and make a MIB rap from the song Happy Together by The Turtles.

So does this mean that Will Smith is going to take a 1969-1970's song and make a new MIB rap?

@CarrerCrytharis: Yeah, exactly. It's just those little things, plus how ugly the Robot Modes looked, that bothered me.

@CarrerCrytharis: It wasn't so much the lapse of judgment as much as I thought he would have made a much better 2nd in command than Cheetor, judging by their actions in Beast Wars.

@RtFusion: Beast Wars was much better, but I still really liked Beast Machines. I thought the overall story was good. The problem were the robot modes, and what they did to Rattrap!

Now playing

I do believe that was the plot of Beast Machines: Transformers.