
@shoyo: Haha, thanks.

@Cyriaque Lamar: I know I'm there, just like I would be if that Klingon Opera premiering in the Netherlands ever came here as well!

"If the musical is a hit, then maybe this will inspire Seal to write a musical in which every song sounds vaguely like "Kiss From A Rose." I would so pay to see 120 minutes worth of "Kiss From A Rose."

Mmmm, I thought I tasted Cleopatra.

For #3...... Ahem....

@Evdor: LoL, agreed.

"tells us what female action heroes can do that men can't"

HOW. DARE. YOU. put the Worf/Keiko birth scene on the worst list? Cliche can still work if it's done right, and that scene was one of the funniest scenes ever in Star Trek: TNG. It's so great, they even reference it again in DS9.


Interesting, although anytime I hear GI Joe, I think O.S.I. and get more excited about the Venture Bros. this Sunday!