
Yeah there’s a lot of shooting the messenger going on-Kotaku didn’t make them, they just reposted them like all of their other content, so why all the outrage here in particular? lol

I have almost the exact same strat, I got very good at this while loking for the secret in this level since you typically have to kill all but one if you want to search in peace lol


Played it dozens of times in the browser, backed it on kickstarter, finally got a chance to start playing this morning, didn’t stop until I’d completed the game, found all secrets and unlocked about half of endless mode, then I’d had my fill for the time being.

You kind of just argued for and against your own point-it was quite soothing actually, like white noise lol

I don’t think you can be that annoyed about not having a place here to talk politics when analytics would probably show ‘thirst’ and ‘Kardashian’ among the top used words in both the comments and articles. If you already discuss serious things, you probably went to Wonkette or something a long time ago.

How is it not? If you get your tits out every time you do a role, it’s no longer a thrill, just go do softcore porn and get it out of your system. Use the goodies sparingly and it’s worth more when you do.

Yes, douchenozzle, her audition. Would you cast Julianne Moore as Ciri just because she’s won an Oscar? No, she’d audition and you’d say ‘no thanks Julianne, you’re a great actor but not right for this role’, like they do all the time for many actors.

That one didn’t strike me as the Eva Green level of weird/wrong-she certainly looks the part, I’ll say that. I’d have to see an audition to say yay or nay.

She’s tolerable in that, being a great show helps, but none of those skills suit her to being Yen.

No argument, she has her strenghts but none of them suit her to playing Yen.

It was actually both a compliment on her appearance and comfort with her body and a disapproval of her devaluing the currency of onscreen nudity plus unsuitable looks/temperament for the role, but sure, you can go that way with it too.

It was actually both a compliment on her appearance and comfort with her body and a disapproval of her devaluing the currency of onscreen nudity plus unsuitable looks/temperament for the role, but sure, you can go that way with it too. I’ve quite enjoyed Penny Dreadful actually and her style isn’t completely out of

I thoroughly agree and that’s why I thought she’d make a terrible Yennefer.

It was actually both a compliment on her appearance and comfort with her body and a disapproval of her devaluing the currency of onscreen nudity plus unsuitable looks/temperament for the role, but sure, you can go that way with it too.

Eva Green? No. I’m sick of her. Sure, she’s got bice boobs that she’s not shy about getting out but I’m just sick of her ‘wounded/damaged succubus’ schtick. Emma Stone isn’t quite right either but it’s a less shit choice.

I can partly agree-I didn’t think he was but they left it just long enough for me to start doubting myself. It just seemed too obvious becuase it was a lame way to die after everything else he’d suffered through.

Is Kinja on the fritz again being Kinja?

All parties are equally responsible imho. Netherrealm and WB both had a burden of QA, both had sway when it came time to making sure things on PC were patched and supported in future and both dropped the ball.

Their inability to count is insignificant when compared to their ability to screw over an entire group of player loyal to their shitty PC port.