
The Despec edition is the only one I watch now, it’s been around for quite some time but I guess with all the bandwagoning about the sequels it’s as good a time as any to make ppl aware of a much better option than the not-terribly-special editions.

Was it only left in because it didn’t need to be removed in Japan, or was it left in because it’s actually a defining component of the game’s identity?

Is it a little childish? Sure. Does it constitute a win-win for that guy? Definitely. He still gets to play the game (admittedly not the version he wanted but close enough) but Nintendo won’t get a cent from him with a 2ndhand sale. The only downside is they’ll go “Only 2 sales huh? We can live with that.”.

One man’s fanatic is another’s heretic-the same could be said for [insert thing you like here].

0a. Thou shalt cool it with thine inane QTEs or include options to streamline them/reduce them to a lesser number lest we storm your studios and smite thine riduculous ass.

Other possible responses from the Monster PR team include ‘I know you are, but what am I’, ‘My dad can beat up your dad’ and ‘No, u’.

No, the unfun asshole in me wants nothing to do with Nintendo handhelds as they keep putting games on there I want to see on the full screen. Put Manhunt and Monster Hunter and other great things on 3DS if you want, just put out a copy on Wii/WiiU for the rest of us that like our graphics less lego-ey. Handheld is for

That was my reaction too, although it was more like ‘Fuck yeah, is that Robot Jox?!’ and had to postpone reading the article to go and watch it.

Maybe 3DS with stereoscope and touch screen kills

A broken section of society or broken age bracket certainly, but a broken society is perhaps a bit dramatic.

I prefer Kim if we’re basing it on looks alone but I’m ashamed of even this as they’re all piles of infectious waste masquerading as people.

You mean they’re not really getting that much benefit and will still die from something and there’s no upside to them being all pretentious while they stand around looking like they’re blowing R2D2!?!?

I’m not against calling out a trend for being so retarded it makes your head hurt. This is up there with ‘totes’ (or any unnecessary abbreviation), selfies (and those fucking sticks), planking, ‘yolo’ and ‘bae’ and I have sworn a blood oath to the sacred order that raised me in the mountains to berate and/or slap

Who said we wanted anything to do with yous kunse anyway? Bloody bunch of poofters.

I giggled like a schoolgirl at this. I’m not ashamed to say it.

I demand to know why Bamboo Dong has been redacted! Free Dong! Free Dong!

Holy shit, are you still talking about this crap? a) We both know what likely and unlikely mean, stop being such a douchenozzle-you’re not Inigo Montoya. b) We have differing ideas on what constitutes something you want to put in your mouth-as if chipotle wasn’t iffy enough before it had a better than usual chance of

That’s some amazing logic right there-based on your miraculous display of not getting sick, the same logic would indicate that if you get a cup of water out of the ocean and there are no fish in it, you could posit that there are no fish in the ocean?

A possibility is a thing that may happen while a probability is something that is likely to happen so by the very definition of the word, unless there’s been confirmed cases of ppl getting sick from something it can remain a possibility. Once there is an established risk, it becomes a probability.

Yeah, it’s not quite the right item off the menu, but it was so apt I couldn’t help but use it.