
That’s probably true, for the most part. It’s on oversimplification but you’re not far off the mark lol

It’s certainly a slight improvement but you just can’t make a good meal with crappy ingredients lol

Not sure if trolling. Statistically speaking, someone had to, but still...

Probably not, that ‘woman’ has the hands of a post-op tranny if I’ve ever seen them.

Well, shit. The W40K fanboys/girls have been going nuts over it, so if you get the urge to do more I’d say you’d even get a few sales out of it lol

By not sucking dick, Stevenson has prevented no man from still getting off via sex. By not going down on women, Lloyd has effectively refused to give women orgasms from sex, while ostensibly continuing to get them for himself. This is why Alison Stevenson is a hero, and William Lloyd is the exact opposite. Here is a

The place I used to work picked up a potentially very lucrative contract (it was done by a very quick tender process, everything was on paper and no meetings actually took place until we entered the trial period) with a Japanese owned and run company, with most staff having only just arrived from Japan and only a few

My favourite ‘happy snaps’ moment would have been the last place I worked that had an open workshop, so if you were in the right spot you could whatever was on most screens from the counter (‘it’s all about the mood and transparency’ said management-never mind letting whoever came in see every other customer’s

Backups. Motherfucking backups. It’s taken me years to drum it into her while she was studying and didn’t really take until I finally had to go nuclear after she almost dropped her lappy and then jokingly said ‘I guess I see what you mean about backups now’, then still did nothing for another week. So I swapped out

Pretty much this. I prefer a bottle of whatever my poison of choice that week is-haven’t had to buy booze in quite some time. It’s either partner or family/friends but I have cut off a few friends that have become a little too familiar and just turn up/drop stuff off expecting things to get done or pull a Jekyll and

It’s a shoop of Sister of Battle from W40K invasion afaik. Couldn’t tell you much about the source image though.

It’s a shoop of Sister of Battle from W40K invasion afaik. Couldn’t tell you much about the source image though.

It is good, I really couldn’t say though. It’s been in my reaction folder for a while and I’d have to say it’s fan art/shop.

I really can’t say if I like it or not, but it is an interesting take on those characters. I will say it feels a little odd seeing some of the more sexualised/suggestive poses in the disney style though, almost feels like softcore r34 lol.

A trustee at Paden’s church sent in a letter saying that “only God, Darren, and the victim know what happened.”

Oh yeah, you got me good lol. I definitely went on an uncontrollable rant there. So instead of taking an opportunity to discuss the poor social image of your suspicious cohorts, you thought you’d just go with ‘trololol XD’? That’ll do wonders for you all, keep it up-if I don’t feel like discussing the issue any

Riiiight. So we’re going to intentionally attempt to hurt someone’s business because someone else hit a woman (inexcusable, in case any SJW’s think I’m saying that’s not important) and their hired muscle didn’t get involved or leave their job of providing security for the bar they were contracted to, rather than

Call it what you want, I respect Ridley Scott more now that I know he phoned in the alternate ending as much as I hated it.

Nobody’s being triggered here, pal. I’m no SJW, I just don’t like children being exposed to the potential dangers the hardcore adult fans of this show present. I can only infer from your handle and avatar that your opinion is incredibly biased, but the fact that your self image is so skewed that you would use the