
Nice. Underrated comment.

This. So many hours with my mate holed up in his room as teenagers playing this. Good times.

Just no. As a general rule, that little vevo in the corner is a big keep away sign.

Now I’m equal parts worried and looking forward to this even more. Everything looks interesting and unique with very decent graphics and (at least in the Japanese version) good voice acting yet the whole ‘ages in the car’ part seems like padding and I’m getting concerned that there’s going to be long back and

Beat me to it, well done sir/madam.

No issue with tutorials, as long as they actually teach you what you need to know otherwise it’s just a lazy time added on. What I can’t stand is unskippable cutscenes of any kind, no matter where they are and QTEs (in general) in the OPENING CUSTSCNE or first 5-10 mins. I’ve avoided an increasing number of games for

Pretty much this. Also, they actually did themselves more harm with that ad about the crappy anniversary dinner-they basically demonstrated to any hot women that you can just go pickup at the bar and shouldn’t need any websites...that said, I really am surprised there wasn’t more women using it actually.

I generally try not to take these things too seriously as most of the male characters are also pretty ridiculous for the most part, I just don’t really care about their appearance (unless you screw it up like Ken’s new hair). I’ll agree the ass slap was a bit much but most of it just found funny, particularly the

I completely agree. People are just fucking awful for the most part, and if my partner and I weren’t the same flavour of no-fucks-given blunt, I’d have quite happily stayed single for a very long time. Keep on keepin’ on, my friend.

No, I completely agree. People are just fucking awful for the most part, and that sort of response is a perfect example-everyone doesn’t need to be happy, shiny helpful members of society. If my partner and I weren’t the same flavour of no-fucks-given blunt, I’d have stayed single for a very long time, and quite

I’d genuinely like to see this as part of a series of articles/playthroughs with older games that are just accepted as things you should have played. I’ll leave a final list to you, but the most obvious start would be the number of games journalists that haven’t played classic RPGs (FFVI, VII) and most of the older

*cough* PC *cough*

Me: Hmm, $225 for a trading card? I’ve got a few rares myself so I spose I can see it. What condition?

I do not not care for baby gifs but I agree completely.

PA has been a little bit of a letdown-it’s far from crap but isn’t quite giving the same level of LAN shenanigans as SupCom so we didn’t stay with it all that long, perhaps we’ll check it out after the next update. Didn’t really care for starbound-that’s not really my thing in the first place but I’ve been hearing

I bet he’s pissed-all the reasons someone associated with this game should be arrested on ethical and good taste grounds alone and he got caught for this. There’s really no justice.

What are the other 2? I’m all in for Superhot and Starr Mazer while being as hopeful as I can muster for Star Citizen and throwing in for Limit Theory cos it was cheap but ambitious.

That’s actually a pretty good point, I always thought they were throwing in some Civil War references (the same way they throw in jokes for grown-ups between the slapstick to keep parents awake) but that works surprisingly well too.