
I bet he’s pissed-all the reasons someone associated with this game should be arrested on ethical and good taste grounds alone and he got caught for this. There’s really no justice.

What are the other 2? I’m all in for Superhot and Starr Mazer while being as hopeful as I can muster for Star Citizen and throwing in for Limit Theory cos it was cheap but ambitious.

That’s actually a pretty good point, I always thought they were throwing in some Civil War references (the same way they throw in jokes for grown-ups between the slapstick to keep parents awake) but that works surprisingly well too.

I’d be ok with them being a little more wide-spread.

Care to elaborate?

Not sure if trolling? How was it like Watchmen?

Genuinely didn’t make the link with MK and Enter the Dragon but I thought that was the point of the lego movie, was it sposed to be secret? Kinda like how The Incredibles was clearly Fantastic 4 etc.

As a fellow victim of a cheating spouse, I still can’t figure out why the 2 responses to this story are ‘they can all go die in a fire’ and ‘well if their spouse wasn’t gonna put out, what do you expect?’. There’s a shit-tonne of other solutions in between, the most obvious of which is ‘why didn’t you say to your

Pretty much, yeah. I still haven’t forgiven that hack for ruining my childhood with Alone in the Dark but we laughed our way (drunkenly) through House of the Dead and if you get baked enough, both Rampage movies have an almost Nic Cage quality to them-as opposed to when watching with a non-addled brain, you can’t tell

Yeah I don’t get the PWZ hate-nobody ever loses their shit when we get a different author or artist in a one-off run, so why should we get so butthurt about differently styled movie adaptions and not just appreciate the parts you enjoy like you would any other time? I guess the biggest issue if it doesn’t do well is

Especially petty, moronic, powerdrunk managers.

I hear that.

Thankyou. Made my morning.

It’s like MC Escher fucked a dodgem car on acid.

In my experiences overseas

I get the impression they wonder why people think that because they’re not judging anyone for their interests-if you like this game, buy it and if you don’t, skip it while acknowledging it’s just not your thing. In my experiences overseas, it’s a primarily western practice to be so judgmental and ridiculing of

Huh. A Jezebel article that didn’t make me throw up in my mouth a little. Keep it up.

Decisions, decisions. Do I post “that escalated quickly” or “I can fap to this”?

He’s a cruel, narrowminded, rhetoric spewing, horrible person, but you have to give him credit for being a consistently cruel, narrowminded, rhetoric spewing, horrible person.

lulwut? That wouldn’t apply to this situation. Keep your ‘murrica bollocks to yourself.