
I’ve got no issue with people using words as long as they actually realise that words have meanings-when you say something that’s just plain wrong, I’m going to call you an idiot.

If you’re going to be that obnoxious person, try reading all of the definitions and not just cherry picking.

If you’re going to be that obnoxious person, try reading all of the definitions and not just cherry picking.

Decisions, decisions. Do I post “that escalated quickly” or “I can fap to this”?

He’s a cruel, narrowminded, rhetoric spewing, horrible person, but you have to give him credit for being a consistently cruel, narrowminded, rhetoric spewing, horrible person.

lulwut? That wouldn’t apply to this situation. Keep your ‘murrica bollocks to yourself.

Yup he breached his NDA so he got was was legally coming to him

That’s just a temporary high. Once you come down, see previous statement.

I take a position and will take on all comers ;)

That’s probably just a translation issue-it should read that it’s a word for gf/bf used by people that are best described as pieces of shit.

I do, I take a very strong position and immediately start looking around for a way to set whoever used the word on fire.

You are bad and should feel bad.

Now all we have to do is do some sort of DBZ style fusion with her and Gina Carano so we get Gina’s looks and Ronda’s personality...

That’s an automatic quit-uninstall in my book.

It’s just another variant of the time-old maxim that the customer that takes up the most time spends the least and vice-versa.

I could deal if they had actually played it and decided for themselves that it was overhyped, but I cannot relate to someone that doesn’t play something and make up their own mind rather than just hear a bunch of stuff and skip it but play/watch the ENTIRE extended catalog?? While it may have not aged well

ive beat dirge, beat crisis core, own Advent Children Complete, and know the story of ff7 pretty damn well, ive just never played the game because since ive been cognant of the internet, it’s always been ff7 is the best ff7 is the best hype hype hype, and it kinda ruined it for me.

Sorry, did I read that wrong or you want story changes to a story you don’t even fully know/haven’t fully experienced as you never played the original?

It worked ok in the Advent Children version, and that’s mostly what I expect to see in the remake, especially since the hardware is up to making that mostly happen in realtime.

I would argue that isn’t a change though-if they use existing lore or add more things that are canon and add context to certain events then that’s cool and frankly I hope they take advantage of all the things happening around it at the same time in the EU. My issue is if they change how events took place or (my