
Keep it up, pal. Enjoying your work ^_^

Frankly, it sounds like trump now. His particular brand of crazy is timeless.

Same tier here and when I saw those ships with the real world price’s decimal point way over on the wrong side of reasonable I instantly started to worry they’d just run out of funds and just resigned myself to the fact that my kickstarter $ were gone and that was the nature of the beast. Then when I saw they actually

While I’ll admit that I’m completely aware that a lot of this list is built solely for inflammatory reasons to drive clicks and get the comments roiled up, there really are a few too many underarm throws on here that just smack of ‘this’ll piss em off, watch’. That said, your description of Batman & Robin is pretty

There’s an awful lot of super-saccharine stuff posted here that’s almost mindless radio pop quality, just usally in Japanese, yet some of the best stuff I’ve come across (most recently Band-Maid for example) is posted in these comments so I’m loathe to condemn this segment lol

Suicide Squad-infinitely more concerned after leaked trailer and even angrier at woll smoth for simply existing than ever before.


You didn’t laugh at their joke, it was funny. What the hell man?

Holy shit, they’re good.

Oh, it’s on now! lol

I don’t disagree with the deterrent factor, that wasn’t really the point I was trying to make-it was more about how they purported themselves to be in great financial strains because of all this piracy, yet no major labels have had significant losses reported, while there haven’t been many of these high damages

I don’t disagree with the deterrent factor, that wasn’t really the point I was trying to make-it was more about how they purported themselves to be in great financial strains because of all this piracy, yet no major labels have had significant losses reported, while there haven’t been many of these high damages

I have that same feeling about the live read they did in LA, I’m still dumbfounded they didn’t at least do an audio recording.

I don’t care what your personal skew on what’s “ethical” but you can’t have a disagreement about what you clearly declare to be your personal philosophy, then complain or critique someone for an ad hominem argument against you; you *are* your philosophy and you made it the argument. Do I care that you’re flaunting

There is more than a bit of that in their justifications, but I agree with the “Clearly, you don’t want my money” part. I think this applies perfectly to abandonware and region locking/regional version changes. While I hate that most things in my region cost more that they should due to stupid import taxes etc., I

Agreed, with the honourable mention of if it is no longer available due to region or age then all bets are off.

If you said a 4K monitor, I might have been there with you, but in the TV gaming space, there’s nothing that will take advantage of 4K... XD

I still have issues with RIAA over the enforcement methods they use-primarily the damages they seek. If they were genuine about recovering costs and only charged the cost of what they say they’d lost then I might have more sympathy for them but asking $15,000+ per SONG doesn’t paint them as the poor hard-done-by