
Really? I thought it was fantastic, with the possible exception of the boots being a bit strippery (shorter would be better) and agreed, the pauldrons look a little jarring but overall the concept itself is spot on.


I still think the surrender option should be only a last resort, not just if things look bad. I’d be even happier if it went away and you just had to get killed the old fashioned way.

January 31st 1997 for Japan

At no point did I say you objected to the article or its contents. I clearly made the point of asking what did you think it was going to be comprised of? If you genuinely expected anything even remotely tame with MK in the title, let alone with the words ‘grosser’ and ‘Mileena’ added of all things, then wow.

Didn’t play it=comment invalid. Move along people.

It’s a little weird, I’m no achievement whore yet when I saw what my level was just on it’s own from the things I already had on my account etc., with literally 1-2 mins effort I’d go up a level so I figured why not and satiated my gaming OCD. Now it’s become a bit of a habit, I’ll look at it every few months and give

You missed the part where you wanted to be specifically told. While she could’ve chosen the image better, you clicked an MK article expecting something that wasn’t filled with violence and gore, I mean my boy is 9 and he’s still a few years away from getting his hands on fighters in general as far as I’m concerned,

So, you normally read stuff about MK when there’s little kids around unless you’re specifically warned otherwise by an NSFW tag? Nice going, pal. Way to think for yourself.


This not winning has made me lose the tiny, withered shred of faith in humanity I had left.

Not entirely sure what your unhappy about here? It’s a decent idea and clever marketing at the very least. If you’re a paid advertiser trying a little bit of good ol’ reverse psych then I commend the effort but you need to announce you’re shill, otherwise your problem is...?

If it wasn’t coming at the expense of much needed urban renewal and infrastructure, you might not sound like a twat, but...

Ok everybody, do your best to look surprised...seriously though, been looking forward to this for a while.

Did you get bored of it quickly or some other reason?

Thankyou, Chris. Nice to finally read a bit of straightforward, mature coverage that’s refreshingly low on sensationalism or clutching of pearls. Good job.

If you genuinely thought that’s what you were doing then I really hope you see my earlier comment to you. Moaning your way through it will encourage anyone else that considers themselves as edgy as you were coming off as will take this as an endorsement. If you genuinely wanted to hurt their sales (or at least not

The legitimacy of a game isn’t the issue here, it’s bias-what if it was zombies? You’d have joined in everyone else with something like “another solid zombie twinstick shooter” and picked it up next time it was on sale.

How long did you play it for, and what were your impressions overall-gameplay, graphics etc?