
So, based on your level of interest, either you picked this and acted like a child (funny, considering your derision of the character’s motivations-you were about as ‘edgy’ as you accused this game of trying to be...) because you wanted to shake a finger at them or you’re being assigned which game to play, therefore

Well I didn’t imagine they would be, I’m usually a bit ho-hum on a few but they have their good and bad weeks. Gamercat just seems to be the same sappy/dad joke groanfest every time...

I’m still impressed with exactly how broken it is though. It seems amazing they put it out in that state- they had to know how buggy it was, surely? What did they think would happen, some sort of foolish loyalty to just power through and stay on PS4?

Cos tourney play is predominantly on sticks so it’s no biggie. Agreed though, if you have to use a controller, the ecksbawks one is kinda awful.

It feels a little bit too much like they sent away the girls once they got what footage they needed and got stuck into each other for the rest of the night...

I think you just described the lives of prostitutes in most tourist heavy locations.

That’s disgusting. I don’t care who you are or what your reasons happen to be, you don’t shoot videos in portrait.

*Sigh* Seriously, can we get a reader poll about how well liked this one is? Not being a troll, genuinely interested if it’s just me or at the very least a minority.

Damn you Ninty! Just put it on console already! It’s almost as if they want me to emulate or buy a 3DScapture...come to think of it, has anyone actually checked who owns them? lol

I wouldn’t say it’s the only reason but it’s certainly the strongest argument right now-other than emulation or possibly 3dscapture I’m probably not going to play this MH either cos I just really don’t enjoy small screen/portable gaming any more. I want it on my TV and in as high res as I can get it (I’ll admit, those

A Title IX complaint was then filed against the support person.

Not gonna lie, the moment you put them up as ‘a group that promoted ubisoft games’, I kinda thought about clicking on, but I’ve never heard of them (like many other readers it seems), so if you’re looking to point yourself at a story, learning more about them and what they’ve done would be good.

Laughed my ass off at the entire thing, great article/10. Would read again.

Protip (pun intended): You do realize that as soon as you say you didn’t read the whole thing, anything you say after that becomes invalid, right?

Normally I would but it seems unfair to the dev and I’m gonna sit this one out.

Please regale us with your credentials in this area that would allow us to give credence to what you have said, or begone from this place, oh possible average-at-best troll and/or armchair expert.

Damn, 3 edgy 5 me.

Welcome to Kotaku, where we post portrait shot facebook fail videos and sometimes talk about games.

Wait, are you for or against my point? lol That’s what I’m saying-as figurines, whatever, sure, collect them if you like that sort of thing. As DLC/etc. however, they’re a bit of a let down.

Mad is subjective-if you’d been sold a bunch of them with the promise that they were game-changing then sure, rage away. If you just wanted to buy a bunch of Ninty figurines anyway then you’re probly very happy with your purchase and anything else is a bonus, I just think they’re not as useful as advertised and tie in