
Welcome to Kotaku, where we post portrait shot facebook fail videos and sometimes talk about games.

Wait, are you for or against my point? lol That’s what I’m saying-as figurines, whatever, sure, collect them if you like that sort of thing. As DLC/etc. however, they’re a bit of a let down.

Mad is subjective-if you’d been sold a bunch of them with the promise that they were game-changing then sure, rage away. If you just wanted to buy a bunch of Ninty figurines anyway then you’re probly very happy with your purchase and anything else is a bonus, I just think they’re not as useful as advertised and tie in

Why should they have to? It’s the content provider’s fault if they can’t deliver a useful service to all their digital customers in 2015.

Came here to post this, was not disappointed. Have a look at the GoT situation in Australia and tell me you wouldn’t be pirating there too. Also, most people have found new or backup sites after all the PirateBay craziness so while it’s unfortunate, it’s not going to be a big deal.

ITT-newfriends that missed the joke.

Agreed, the ‘ghost’ like feature is the only reason these should exist, but either way I’ll just continue to sit back and laugh at all of the people that have to try and find space on their shelves that are already full of useless Skylanders and Disney Infinity figures for all of these terribly theft-ey items. It

Ah, Gamercat. The MLP scented Family Circus of Kotaku Sunday Comics.

All art has a message, whether the artist intends it or not. If you feel something lacks a message, that itself says something about the artists’ intent (or at least their execution).

The only suitable reaction.

Perhaps he was a bit of a showoff, but based on the fact that the guy was also spamming the same combo, he deserved everything he got.

Does there have to be a ‘message’ though? I think it’s a cool idea and a decent track, and sometimes that’s all something needs to be-entertainment.

Depends how you look at it-is there a ‘good’ time for anything?

Yep, school shootings are a totally new thing and this is 150% influenced by them and will definitely cause them to happen more often.

As long as that involves shooting the Sims into space first so we can get on with our Freelancing then I’m with you.

Well they do exist, so I would say yes. Not that I’m advocating either but that’s just how it is-supply and demand.

Hey, I’m not saying they shouldn’t have it ever-once there’s a game to play and a functioning personal space available to decorate then have at it, but again-only once there’s a working game to play. First things first.

Is it though? This one just feels generally off. Like it’s a mashup of her and Gollum.