
Also honorable mentions-cases like serious sam (and another game that I'm aware of using the same technique but the name escapes me) that included an enemy griefer-I'll admit that actually made me go buy the game I was so impressed by it. Worth every penny, too.

Amusingly, the only ppl that seem to be catching any sort of confirmable mental disability out of this vaccination tomfoolery are the parents...

Well I didn't mind iron man 2 and iron man 3 was a decently made movie, but the entire mandarin treatment/waste of the extremis storyline ruined it so I'm gonna agree with you there.

Sorry, are you arguing for or against Tesla's methods? Just sayin'...

What did moths do before he came along as well? There must be moths on the way to the sun right now saying 'It's totally gonna be worth it'

I have no idea if that's true but I agree with the premise.

In the interest of setting the correct mood for this scene, I've included the official music video for Gucci Mane's "I Don't Love Her ft. Rocko and Webbie". It's pretty easy to imagine the rest now, isn't it? Glad I could help.

If that wasn't mentioned in the video, I might have thought you clever...

While I agree with the quote in general and am a massive fan of the show, the majority of these ppl really just have no clue and would be painful to dangerous to be on the road with...

This. Even though it's product placement, when it's just a logo on an everyday item and nobody is shouting 'LOOK AT THE PPL THAT GIVE US MONEY' it can actually add to the realism since you always notice when they go out of their way to not show a brand (usually on TV, movies will generally pick a side and get paid),

That's 2x double sided bluray or 5-6x single sided (taking overheads etc into account). Which sounds even bigger when you think of it that way O.o

Uh, no.

So we've got Blue Collar Supes and Female Captain Murrica? I don;t mind the Wonder Woman design all that much, I wish she'd have done away with the patriot refrences though-I can never understand how her sense of national pride would be to anywhere other than Themyscira/Greece and even then, it's not like she needs to

Good news first! If you play city-building games to, well, build cities, this is the best you can get. Never before have I felt like I could just walk up to an enormous tract of land, open up some tools and whatever I wanted, however I wanted. Straight roads, curved roads, designated office blocks,

Came to post this out of outrage at it being ignored for this arguably inferior plastic version, was not disappointed.

You know, I'd still vote for the retriever if they went for the ball-it'd be the first time I'd ever seen a politician engage any independent thought in a long time. But true, as soon as their opponent realizes they have a moral compass, they'd be destroyed and potentially ostracized in case it's communicable.

Or in politics. We're so very screwed.

Geez, I hope they're not still going in another 20 years.

You really must be quite excruciating to know as a person. I'm glad there's a whole internet between us. I eagerly look forward to seeing a member of your family become a completely avoidable firearm accident statistic ^_^

Now playing

/thread. Get your head around this principle people, you'll be happier for it.