
Just another reason this infatuation with a mediocre online entertainer needs to go away-if you get popular on purpose then you lose the right to whine about the weirdness of your fanbase and public in general. If he wasn't attractive to the mindless tween girl masses, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Ok, a) I don't know where you're getting my interest in airsoft guns, so mind your tone with the 12yo crap because fuck you. It's very illuminating that as soon as someone says anything you don't care for, you jumped to insults and decrying their maturity-not inspiring a lot of confidence that you also own a thing

You mean the thor/iron man/cap bit? Wasn't it 'don't touch me' 'so don't take my stuff'? Must rewatch now. Again.


You must be fun at parties.

Nah, thanks tho. Like I said, I'm not a gun guy I was just impressed from an engineering standpoint. I have no need to shoot anyone and nobody's trying to shoot me so I'm good lol

Or has some ideas about age old and intermittently stale franchises...although I wish he'd do a better job of covering his ass so I can actually watch one of his damn videos, I'll grant you that.

It has a pretty lady with a gun arm and a clever name...

Well, shit. I'm not even a gun type of guy but I'd actually like to own one of those for the sheer awesomeness.

I can't begin to tell you how fucking annoying these videos are. Imagine watching people playing a video game instead of playing it yourself. Now imagine the people playing it sound like Hot 99.5's morning drive team. Kids can watch these videos for HOURS. How can you like this shit? What is wrong with you?

Fascinating and surprising-even though that was a pretty good size for a sample, the real number could be even lower.

How great is that? By which I mean: how great is that? A Christian lady made eye contact with a Muslim lady—as if the two were equals, even.

Awful feels a bit strong, I actually don't mind most of them and would even like to see them in the next round of costume packs but Felicia and to a lesser extent, I-no aren't great imho.

What you're saying: "I CAN'T MASTURBATE TO THIS!!!"

This. I actually don't mind most of them and would even like to see them in the next round of costume packs but Felicia and to a lesser extent, I-no aren't great (Felicia is just bad and looks like a palette-swapped Velma while I-no just feels a little lazy but has potential).

This is getting just as redundant as the Cloister the Stupid war, and all others of its ilk.

Damn right. I hate it when we end up with ronin abandonware and apathetic corporations. There's money to be had here and if Lucasarts and Sierra can get their acts together, this is surely doable.

Mario used as mascot for franchise titles=all for it.

Agreed. My GF is a big fan of point and click adventures but every so often wants to try something else from my (admittedly overinflated and underutilized) library. I would just prefer it if it stopped me from playing the game but let me use other games in my library-or even just let them play for an hour or so