
Came to post this, was not disappointed.

I didn't like it anywhere near as much as the original, but it didn't exactly rape my childhood either. The original (with the inherent nostalgia, of course) was a pretty high bar to meet so it was decent by comparison.

Stupid kinja formatting.

Tough crowd. It was generally pretty accurate, speaking for myself anyway.

If you're playing a game differently from me, you're doing it wrong.

Hey that sounds fun, can I come?

Hey that sounds fun, can I come?

Best acid flashback ever.

I don't think, therefore I selfie.

The only actually funny thing in the entire thread, including the article. Top marks.

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for a shill, I can tell you I want money. I have a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that should make me unattainable for people like you. If you leave my agent alone, that'll be the end of it.

Remind me again why anyone spends money on these? I know it's mostly the couple of whales that make it worthwhile but there's still a bunch of light users and I feel they need to be singled out and a list of their names published or something so we can publicly mock them. Also, no matter how hot she is, that was

Hmm, not ruling that out. It certainly would make for a fun follow up story-"Father of boy who threatened to make another boy disappear actually goes and does it, average IQ of Earth increases, father to be given a parade and national holiday for his service"

I don't suppose there's any chance they can actually make the other boy disappear after all? Anyone that stupid probably shouldn't be allowed to grow up and breed...

What in the actual fuck did I just watch?

I don't know if it's a 'shot' exactly, more of an observation that those sort of things apparently matter more than actual game journalism, which sucks hard cos I'll miss Joystiq.

Came to post this, was not disappointed.

Offer to buy her a drink. It's not a bribe—it's a good-faith gesture


Ah yes, the one that ppl took out of context and got all butthurt about.