that includes high end PC titles
that includes high end PC titles
Yeah, perhaps not everything worked, but that's like anything. I call it 'The 300 predicament'-on the one hand, 300 was an epic story about an elite army of warrior brethren and their stand against insurmountable odds, while on the other hand it was a super campy bunch of half naked, oiled up buff dudes going for a…
Levi is spot on, Mikasa doesn't quite look how I imagined and I hope Armin's gaze isn't actually that piercingly odd otherwise why haven't they just had him stare down the titans?
I would consider Cowboy Bebop the start of most lists.
I would say both-it's hard for some to build excitement when there's a guy scribbling in a notebook, but they manage. It's also a much more complex battle-of-wits sort of thing, which I prefer. The action in AoT is great, don't get me wrong, but the tension is mostly raised during plot twists and not as much through…
Yeah that was fantastic, 6:02 had me crack up as well: "I hit a woman for the first time in my life, and I'm having fun". My sides.
Interesting, I heard they were almost keeping pace with the anime since there's such high demand, haven't actually checked out the manga (I was already a fan with DN so I could be biased I spose but the anime met my expectations). Hopefully they manage to keep the tone and action on track without getting silly but…
Shame, that. You mean the overall style or the lowish framerate of the animation itself? I would have liked it a little smoother but I didn't even notice after a while, while I thought the style was fine and suited the tone.
Yeah that was a nice moment, especially since it's often such a chore when there's a mission that requires you to follow rules/remain inconspicuous as some point and a longtime gamer would immediately blow the lights and signs but they took a moment to acclimatise to the joys of being reckless :D
Based on her reaction, that could be a waste of cash considering how much it impressed her lol
Whenever I get a chance to speak candidly with a couple of my older, more hippie-ish relatives, I always hear about some wild shit that makes me happy that I'm their descendant lol
Hmm, I think someone needs a nap cos they're getting a little cranky!
This should be run continuously on Faux News every time there's a new social handwringing about games-it covers all the most common arguments and important points from their own demographic lol
Both are good but IMHO Death Note was the far superior story (partly speculation since Attack on Titan isn't complete yet-unusually the anime is being made around as fast as they can churn out the manga so who knows? YMMV.) The action in AoT is great but the character dev and story complexity feels inferior to DN.…
You could always rename the game in steam-I'm always running instances of notepad renamed Half Life 3 or something for the fun responses I get when ppl see it pop up ^_^
I wouldn't be too worried then-that sounds like a good business model to get the maximum possible users and the hardcore ones can still have the game they wanted at the price they expected to pay. I'd be surprised if you didn't make just as much or possibly more than expected from being able to include the more casual…
The Sleeping Dogs one happens more often than not if you get off a bike just a little too fast and it's especially annoying when hijacking another vehicle during a mission-the now unmanned (and out of your control) vehicle almost always runs off and damages property or hurts/kills a civilian, causing you to lose a…
Yeah, she's pretty but a bit waifish for my tastes. True, though-it is an appallingly predictable choice lol
The personal preference on controller layout aside, this is the most widely supported by devs so it kinda wins by default. It's not my most or least favourite design but it works out of the box with the majority of games so we've all just learned to work with it.